Make An'she/Belore A Thing

I don’t care about druids. That’s literally irrelevant to what we’re talking about

Druids belonged to the night elves until they were given to the Horde for some reason. Just as they are now offering to do with Elune.
And you never answered, how will you give An’she to the Alliance?

According to the Night Elves she is. And there’s nothing stopping blizzard from going Yeah, the night elves were simply wrong like they did with An’she and the Tauren beliefs


We literally have no evidence of this.

So you’re a New Atheist I take it?

Are you seriously going to now suggest Elune is a Sun God as well?

Are you seriously choosing to go down the argument “Elune is also the Sun”???

How is a SOLAR GOD based on all the tie ins I listed, with the art I listed, AT ALL SHARING THE THEME OF ELUNE?

You’re insane.


they never actually said that An’She is wrong…it’s just that mu’sha is not the eye of the earth mother, but An’She was never said to be wrong.

How does ANY OF THIS “take” from Elune???


NO sun god! There is only the wrong religion of the tauren! Yes, that will be their “racial identity”! Like the night elves “fallen empire”, insane scream! Yes!

So if Musha is Elune, and Musha and Anshe are equal, where does that put Anshe if it isn’t “wrong”?

Elune is (most likely)the creator of the naaru, seems very…very lightly, elune is on another planet even a moon goddes, she´s simple a goddes, only the night elves with their night activity thought about a MOON GODDESS

You are borrowing the status “God”!

Ok then since you only problem is them being equal which mean Elune not being unique, then let just make An’she being Elune boss and stronger than her. She would still be unique as she wouldn’t have equal, she would only have a supperior.

But we all know that you wouldn’t like that because in reality you just don’t want the horde to have something as strong as the alliance or stronger. It would hurt your superiority complex.

Well guess what? The horde also doesn’t like to be weaker which is why we ask to be equal. Not superior but just equal.

…What is happening in that one mind?

How will you give An’She to the Alliance, since Elune is believed in the Horde, albeit wrongly?

How many hours do you have? Is it day or night?

You are the only one talking about the alliance here, i talk about the night elves there, not the alliance. You bring allways the topic “Alliance” here, not me^^

Oh, another expert! Clap-clap-clap!

Sorry, I was doing other things for a bit and then this thread erupted. What neutral things are you asking me to think about?

Elune isn’t believed in the horde. Mu’sha was but end up being wrong.

If you want a equivalent you can just have the gnome to believe in a sun by a random name but let make it useless since they are wrong as the sun god really is An’she and only care about the tauren.

About questions of Elune, An’She, Horde and who is right in this junkyard!

You believe in Elune! Even if it is wrong! Who in the Alliance would be wrong to believe in An’she?

No innovators! Find An’She in the old lore of the Alliance!

Don’t change the topic, you said:

You are here stating that Radagast is okay as Gandalf’s equal because they don’t share the same theme.

Anshe is a SOLAR DEITY, with Blacksmith + Warrior + Light + Firey Destruction motifs.

Are you:

  1. Denying Elune is a Moon Goddess, and is thus NOT a Sun God
  2. Denying Elune’s domain is NOT “Blacksmith” and “Fire”?
  3. Denying Elune is based visually, aesthetically, and narratively on zero African and Amerindigenous deities?

Night Elf Superiority Complex And Entitlement, which you have, is the backbone of Alliance Superiority Complex And Entitlement, which you’re by extension encouraging.