Make an expansion based off your desires!

  1. Top New Features.

  2. Story Narrative.

  3. Class Design - More abilities? Less abilities? Biggest spec changes?

  4. Gear Design - Valor? No Valor? Higher RNG? Less RNG?

  5. PvP Features - How would you revitalize WPVP? Do you care about WPVP?

Keep it simple, fun, imaginative, whatever you’d like! Would love to hear what everyone has to say. :slight_smile:

EDIT: So I feel I should add something too! Here it goes!

1. Top New Features

Ascended Classes: The flow of time has been disrupted, altering Azeroth’s champions understanding of their skills and talents. Now Azeroth’s Champions must make the effort to master these new wisdoms, or be utterly destroyed.


Earth Warden - Become a hulking mass of earth, defending allies! (Shaman Tank!)
Necromancer - 4th Warlock Spec, mastery of the lich arts and undead! Range DPS.
Runedancer - 3rd DH spec! Take runemastery to a new level, cursing your foes with demonic magic and the very earth around them with rune traps. (Range DPS, sort of like old school survival hunter)
Gladiator - Return of sword and shield warrior, pure dps SPEC.
Battlemage - 4th spec Mage! Melee Mage spec focused on enchantments and devastating foes up close with empowered weapons.
Siphoner - Healing DK spec. Siphon life essence from enemies, using dark forbidden arts to empower allies and turn them into empowered monsters.
Bard - Additional Monk Healing Spec, learn the soothing arts music! Easing your allies troubles in the midst of battle with song and dance. Healing and empowering their spirit!

New Races!: 1 new alliance race, 1 new Horde race.

2. Story Narrative

The Branches of Luht’nama

The flow of time has been shattered, and a mysterious foe’s greatest image has been realized. The very cosmos are a sea of false memories, as portals leading to plains unknown, and some hauntingly familiar, have emerged all throughout Azeroth. Assist the Bronze Dragonflight in restoring balance to the timestreams, fighting alongside foes turned friends, and against friends turned foes. Examples, Yrel alongside Lightforged Garrosh have returned. High Elf Sylvanas who was never killed is an ally. Rhonin is back too. Fight against foes such as High Tyrant Varian, and even Lich King Tirion Fordring!

3. Class Design

1 new talent row for each class, each with 3 new abilities in that row and no passive abilities. Level cap raised to 70. Work on balancing new Ascended Specs as primary class balance concern.

4. Gear Design

True Timeless Gear! The flow of time has caused legendary weapons and armor of days past to perform with renown vigor! Return to monumental periods in time and retrieve old gear sets and weapons with renewed challenge to fight against the foes of today! Older raid tiers and weapon effects have been modified to be droppable in newer content, allowing a mixup of familiar powers thought lost forever.

5. PvP Features

  1. New Battleground - The Coliseum of Time: Alliance and Horde face off within the Coliseum of Time, each team with 40 players. This Coliseum starts off at 100% increased cooldown recovery rate (think time warp), slowly dissipating over the course of 3 minutes, resetting back to 100% at the end of the timer. Each team starts off with 250 lives, and the first to reach 0 loses. A battle royale with hazardous traps such as falling debris, trap doors into the endless abyss and more await those who step inside! Fight for mastery of time itself!

1 New Arena - The Cosmic Sea: Large arena map with an aesthetic of being in the deepest parts of the galactic cosmos. A background bathed in stars and galaxies, as well as familiar images of different worlds flashing in the background. The players are fighting on a large cosmic rock floating in the middle of this space.

WPVP: Mimick of Legion, WQ’s that pretty much revitalize WPVP, but instead on all continents such as MoP, Vanilla Zones, WOTLK and BC zones etc. These zones drop resources that would progress your character in similarity to WQ’s today. Maybe add instanced arena style zones like Black Rook Hold?


We fish, and we fish. I dream of the day where murlocs are roasted, but only by a fire. Vendors can also sell murloc in many forms. Maybe I will grow rice, a special rice to make a tasty murloc sushi. What herbs will I need? Perhaps Ghostlands will grow some…maybe imported from exotic Kalimdor. Never mind, those from the Southern lands will consider a diet of murlocs cruel and think it threatens the climate. I don’t care though, murloc tastes wonderful, especially with rice. Can I grow it here?


No desires have I in this game beyond a few pets and mounts.
'Twould make for an exceedingly dull experience.

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That’s too much to think about lol.


WoD garrison but faction account wide…every new class and/or race unlocks unique buildings tied to that class or race. Any new professions unlock respective profession plots said toons can work at. Your active toon can see and interact with your alts and command them. There would be space to display your most prestigious form of a boss kill trophy along with the date…so tryhards can have a bragging rights system. Likewise, this garrison would persist and move with us expansion to expansion and have new things to unlock and earn. Everything would be about building up your personal garrison as an account wide status symbol and whatnot.

A new training/proving grounds that is constantly kept up to date and actually reflects how your spec plays currently as well as a single player mode for raid content. You performance in this gives your generic score which replaces the raider IO addon. For example, you could solo queue for a raid boss and practice it with NPC’s who execute the fight in a basic but Blizzard-intended way. You replace an NPC and get to practice all the mechanics and are given a score at the end. This way, those truly adverse to group content can at least see the fight without the pressure of people.

LFR would be normal mode with a twist. LFR would be queueable and have the fail buff but each stack reduces the chance for a gem socket, war/titan forge, or teritary stats by 10% per stack…normal mode meanwhile can’t be queued for. This way there is no transition from LFR difficulty to normal.

Mythic raids are made into pure challenge modes. Your qualification to enter is literally be max level. No need for a tryhard to play the game since nothing they do or farm matters. Zoning into a mythic raid gives them stat template gear complete with pre-defined trinkets as extra action buttons (if so designed) and a reusable potion like brawlers guild…there is no gear durability and no other consumable works. All mythic raids are cross server and faction with racials disabled…everyone is made totally equal. There are no power rewards though. Just cosmetics. This way the toxic tryhards can be quarantined doing their precious raids “for the challenge” and the rest of us can do content they truly never need to do.

Raids/dungeons would be designed for players of certain skill and gear levels and inviting someone overly geared would just scale their gear down to the approved max…meanwhile new players to the content would be given super mega buffs and incentives to “encourage” groups to take them…like giving them a free self res and bubble when using it along with 5-10% extra damage done, health and healing received…also each new person up to a max (say 3-5) adds 1 piece of extra loot that these players cant get…thus rewarding those “carrying” and the new players dont count for boss scaling or mechanics…thus they are literally free damage with perks.

There would always be a way to achieve max ilvl rewards with heroic raid content maxing it out and no need to grind whereas all “lesser” modes can slowly but surely upgrade their own gear to this max thus always giving people things to do.

There is more but all I’m typing


The Horde and Alliance are at war! Keep up, I know its complicated thus far, then a third party appears and threatens Azeroth annnnnd scene.

  1. The world is your enemy, you’re now all considered traitors to your own faction, the champions are on the run but also are banded together under one, new banner. This now also includes player housing as your “Hideouts” (Which by the end of this “idea” of a expansion will just be your typical house.) Over the course will make both Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdom the main location of the conflict for the players to overtake, slowly push into Capital Cities and take it over to reform it to how it should be. Starting far away using Neutral factions like Gadgetstan as a FoB to start the push. In PvE and PvP, doing WQs stretched across the two continents will influence the push towards your betrayed capital cities. All while those who are Loyalists can also do the same and push back too.
  2. After the height of the next possible expansion (Assuming it’ll involve Turalyon going zealous with The Light, Yrel somehow involved, the Void as well.) that it forces us, the players to abandon and finally make a difference ourselves to regain the former glory of what was The Alliance and The Horde, or burn them both down as it is now. Leading to us betraying what we served under as both opposing eyes now see that as a problem.
  3. N/A
  4. Definitely not as RNG as Shadowlands, lets put it that way.
  5. You can be the loyalists of your faction, or hired by the opposing faction, or be against these loyalists. The Alliance and The Horde have conspired against you after all. A Raid level kind of PvP, think like VA but we can fully utilize Capital Cities, significant towns/villages as particular warfronts. (Most definitely BG queued in this instance.) That winners are offered rewards, while losers will have the honor currency to eventually help them, gain said rewards if consistent loses keeps pushing them down. Of course a similar scenario for PvE could be done in case for those who don’t like PvP.

Overall, I just got lazy and based off mainly what people want while thinking of the next potential expansion that might lead into the next.


Playable murlocks


Wings Over Azeroth?

We return to Azeroth, but things have changed. Maybe it’s an old one or some power that has partially destroyed the world, and there are floating islands in the sky.

The expansion would take place both in and over the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, with some sort of an ascent toward a celestial/astral raid at the top of the sky dome.

Maybe it could tie in with the Dragon Isles, but it should be tightly integrated to the original two continents and their zones.

Gunships would feature prominently, maybe even as a garrison-style feature. Guilds could build their own unique gunships with class tabard sails etc, and sail them on missions or raids.

The class halls and orders from Legion would return and become permanent class features, as useful places to base out of through the entire leveling and max level experience. Might even serve as social hubs where you could chat with members of your class?

Class halls would also have libraries where you can read stories where your class features in wow lore.

Lots of attention paid to balancing classes, the motto should be No Spec Left Behind.

The Dev’s hate flying, the playerbase loves it, make flying the X-Pac.

Top cosmetics to work towards could be actual wings to fly with: mechanical wings, dragon wings, feathery wings, bat wings etc.

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Story Story Story. Integrated Cinematics

Stick to basics.

10 more Battlegrounds. Amazing ones.

New Raids with major rewards everytime.

No gear disparities. Casual or hardcore have a path to the same gear choices.

Warlocks rule over all classes.

  1. Top New Features: Undead Paladins, everyone gets their heritage set. Bring back the arcane reforger. Bring back tier sets, put resil back on PVP gear, bring back Valor/raid vendors.

  2. Story Narrative: Humar The Pridelord turns out to be an ancient diety that has grown sick of Orgrimaar’s engineers being lazy, so he grows to 500’ tall and stomps it to nothingness. Now the Horde have to kidnap Alliance architects and force them to build a city that doesn’t suck as tribute to Humar.

  3. Class Design - Blizzard balances all classes/specs for both PVP and PVE.

  4. Gear Design - Blizzard gets the people who designed gear in Vanilla and TBC to start making gear not look largely stupid.

  5. PvP Features - add WPVP-only titles to farm to get people out of sitting in trade chat 8 hours a day.

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More Allied Races (No Rep Grinds unlocked some at launch more as expansion continues, Short questlines associated with their inclusions tied into some zones stories.)

Allied races. The Horde and Alliance have called in all their remaining allies. They’re needed now more than ever.

Alliance: High Elves, Wildhammer, Frostborn, Jinyu, Furbolg, Ankoan.
Horde: Ogres, Revantusk, Taunka, Hozen, Alteraci/Fogsail Freebooters, Kelfin

Further both factions are seeking allies among more neutral races.

Neutral AR: Outcast Arakkoa, Ethereals, Tuskarr, Vrykul, Outcast Naga, Saurok, Sporelings, Yuangol, Saberon, Sethrak.

More Customization focused on equalizing design and scope. (I.e. Scars and tattoos separated for all races between head and body and not attached to faces, tail options for Draenei and LFD, ect)

New Class Specs A fourth spec added to all classes that are missing them, two for DH.

Player housing (designed to continue being used in the future) Old achievements will have options so you can show them off in your home, new dungeons will unlock more, and some items can be built through professions. Trophies from your kills.- Whole new achievement section to help with this. I.E. Kill x numbers of Defias to have a defias trophy or two. Kill Onyxia to have her heads likeness put up on your wall.

Rework of borrowed power systems into a talent tree system. (legion artifact weapon unlocks talent slots, Azerite unlocks talent slots, crafting your legendary armor opens up talent slots)

Culminating in a reforging of your legion weapon using the Heart of Azeroth and memories from the Runecarver allowing you to further expand your talent options and change what kind of weapon, and it’s look for your Legion one. (think turning the Ashbringer into a pole arm or two handed Hammer. Whatever weapon you tend to prefer for your class/spec.)

There will sadly still be a an AP like system for continued leveling. The levels of which will earn you new ranks and tiers of talents. (Level will not increase beyond level 60.)

World of Warcraft: Reconstruction

Return to a war torn Azeroth. Between the Legion, the 4th war and the Scourge Azeroth is in tatters. The Horde and Alliance have few forces left to spare and now more than ever the heroes of Azeroth must find a way to return peace and prosperity to the world.

Rebuild the regions of Azeroth starting by choosing which major city you want to focus on.

Alliance: Stormwind, Ironforge, Gnomeregan, Boralus, The Exodar, Darnassus(Hyjal), Shadowforge, Telogrus Rift, Stromgarde and Theramore.
Horde: Orgrimmar, Thunderbluff, Echo Isles, Dazar’Alor, Silvermoon City, Undercity(Ruins of Capitol City), Suramar, Thundertotem, Dragonmaw Port and Alterac.

From this staging point you will rebuild the area around it and venture forth into nearby regions to secure and protect your people.

Once you’ve finished there you’ll move on to one of the other cities until you’ve secured the heart of your factions territory.

As the expansion continues the heroes of Azeroth will return to Outland and Northrend and clear up the regions there. Then move on to Pandaria.

4th Specs added to all classes (and short questlines to bring Artifact Weapons into the Legion stories without much being changed otherwise)

Warrior- Medic, healing - Gun, bow, or crossbow. Uses medical technology to heal on the battlefield without the use of magic often delivering their payloads via their ranged weapon. Possesses a lot of CC and a few strong melee range heals along with their ranged ones. (bandages.)

Hunter - Skirmisher, Tank - Uses dual wielding or two handed weapons. Your beast and you share health and buff each other. Focused on melee combat with assistance from your beast. Has a taunt that can shift aggro from you to your pet and vice versa.

Mage - Spellbreaker, Tank - Gains a shield use option and warglaives focus on these or polearms and staves. A mage warrior using their shield and time magic allowing counters to physical attacks and magical ones to mitigate damage.

Rogue - Sniper, DPS - Rifles, bows and crossbows. LONG range dps spec dealing massive damage from afar. Coats projectiles with poison and gets a massive boost to the first hit from stealth. Designed to move after shooting to further increase dmg.

Priest - Inquisitor, DPS - Staff and Polearm. A holy dps spec that casts holy spells at range. Minor focus on crowd control.

Warlock - Soulpriest Heal - A warlock who uses souls to empower and heal their allies. Stronger heals the more damage being done to the enemy through dots that do minor dmg siphoning the soul to you. They would still have some regular healing choices for situations where enemies are less numerous.

Paladin - Avenger DPS - While retribution paladins take down their enemies in close quarters, Avengers prefer to launch blasts of holy light from behind allied lines and empower allies. Medium to long range caster bringing new blessings to be cast on allies or yourself to empower attacks and heals for a short duration or cause enemies to be weakened when they attack you.

Druid - No. Sorry we have four already.

Shaman - Earthwarder, Tank - One hander and Shield. Uses the element of earth more than the other specs and creates shields and blasts targets with stone and dirt and mud. Still have lava lash. :stuck_out_tongue:

Monk - Fatechanger, DPS - Focus on staves like brewmaster. Based off the Crane Celestial that I can’t at this moment remember the name of- a ranged dps spec to finally allow full representation of all four monk paths.

Demon Hunter - Chaos, DPS - Warglaives or polearm. A ranged DPS spec for DH that uses blasts of Fel from afar and whirling glaives or polearms to do massive damage to a single target. All spells are still based on allowing mobility.

Demon Hunter - Entropy, Healing - Uses polearm or staff. Using their fel powers they can contain and control their enemies and siphon (much like the soulpriest) life from them and redirect it to their allies. Based around weakening enemy damage and speed and turning that into health for allies.

Death Knight - Death, DPS - Two handed weapon or dual wield. Ranged caster, using Death Runes and magic learned from the Shadowlands to dismantle their enemies from afar.

Only adding a few abilities to each class at this time across the board most of the rest of the abilities are spec specific.

More gear drops from dungeons and raids. No Titanforging system. Each boss in dungeons, raids, mythics will drop Valor points. Rares, and chests in the overworld will also drop them though at a smaller amount and percentage. Will drop from pvp chests in both non-rated and rated more common in rated pvp.

These valor points will be used to purchase items that can increase your items level, add gem slots, or switch out primary and secondary abilities modifiers.

RNG will return to Slightly lower than bfa levels but higher than SLs. However you can specify with an NPC in the main hub cities what items you are looking for and for what spec (up to three) to increase the likelihood of them dropping by a small amount.

Valor points will allow you to keep whatever gear you may wish but will have increasing amounts of points needed to continue upgrading making new gear found in the “wild” a quicker way to get better gear. Once you hit that patches cap though the valor can allow you to better custom design your armor for your needs.

Honestly I’m not sure I’m happy about it but… thats what I got for now. lol

Well… uhm… Honestly I kinda liked the Nazjatar stuff. So more of that. Kinda just everywhere though. Focusing on zones on the borders of Horde and Alliance territory. coughhillsbradcough

Other than that I’d equalize gear stats in battlegrounds per bracket (base stats) so that it becomes more about the players skill than being lucky in getting the best gear. Your new artifact weapon however is not affected. Beware at higher levels.


scarlet crusade expansion
we rise again! to purge the heathens of azeroth
new class Inquisitors! and new faction the crusade

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  1. Alexstrasza’s thighs.
  2. Alexstrasza’s thighs.
  3. Alexstrasza’s thighs.
  4. Alexstrasza’s thighs.
  5. Alexstrasza’s thighs.


Sorry, I don’t give my stories away and my desires are not important to the whole of a community.

This thread is going to get 2 main answers.

Meme/joke answers

People who are secretly attempting to apply to be a WoW Dev.


Pandaria, minus SoO.

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Azeroth vs Earth.
Magic vs Science.

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Here we go:

-Cross faction PvE
-Mechagnomes allied race removed
-Mechagnomes just retconned out of existence actually
-Nightbornes allied race becomes neutral
-Nagas playable
-High Arakkoas playable
-Tank Warlock spec
-Lifesteal healer Death Knight spec OR splitting Unholy into a disease spec (Unholy) and a minion master spec (Necromancer)
-Worgens can now be monks (wtf blizzard why is it not a thing yet)
-Glyphs of Stars equivalent for every druid shapeshift
-Demon “taming” for Warlock, Undead “taming” for Death Knight
-Gilneas restored
-Bwonsamdi king of the Horde
-Demon Hunters finally sacrifice EVERYTHING and die out

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Hmm. It’s best if I don’t, otherwise it would get a +18/Adult/Nudity content rating.

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