All magic has left Azeroth; the elements and loa no longer respond to the shaman; all potions and poisons are rendered inert on creation, while denizens of the lands are miraculously immune to disease; all mechanical and engineering devices fail on creation; the light, shadow, and the void no longer exist; hunters’ pets no longer respond to their masters’ commands, while ranged weapons inexplicably no longer function with projectiles now firing no more than 5 yards in distance; every druid is stuck in travel form and are compelled by an unrelenting desire to pick herbs; all portals cease to function; and the Kyrian watchers acting as spirit healers are pulled from the veil into the physical realm of Azeroth, and Odyn and his valarjar are plucked from the Halls of Valor…to participate in the Endless Battle of the new expansion…World of Warriors!
All warriors, all day…cutting, chopping, executing each other in a bloody battle for glory! Death is just an annoyance as the Kyrian spirit healers and their Val’kyr imitators prevent the death of all so the battle may never end.
All classes are removed except WARRIOR! Were you a priest before this glorious expansion hit? Now, you’re a WARRIOR! Were you a hunter that constantly bemoaned the removal of ranged survival hunter? Contratulations! You are now a WARRIOR! Were you retribution paladin that said you were a “better ARMS WARRIOR”? Thank the light, you now get to be the real thing! Were you a fire-slinging, frostbolt-slowing, blinkin’ mage? You better hit the gym and work on that puny strength rating and non-existent weapon skill rank!
Weapon skill? Yes, weapon skills are back baby! Now with over 9,000 ranks! If your character was already a WARRIOR, don’t worry because you are already grandfathered in at full rank! Every non-WARRIOR better line up to hit those Ashtongue corrupters in Blasted Lands if you don’t want to be chain-missing while Baine Bloodhoof is splitting your head open with the Axe of the Tauren Chieftains! 

It’s kill-or-be-killed as every player and NPC fights for supremacy!
Wait is this expansion Warmode On only?!? No, of course not…it’s a 100% free-for-all PVP slugfest mixed with a Azeroth-wide brawl between all NPCs and player characters!
“But what about my glorious Condemn; it’s so effective!?” says the Venthyr WARRIOR. To which the I answer, "No worries, WARRIOR-friend! Execute now deals damage as if 100 rage uses, always crits, ignores armor, causes the target to bleed for 100% of the damage dealt, hamstrings the target, costs no rage, and is usable at anytime no matter the HP level of the target! EXECUTE! EXECUTE! EXECUTE!
I know what you are going to say: “Well, since all of the classes will become WARRIORs, what about new specs to make up for the loss of class diversity?” Don’t worry! Gladiator Spec is back, baby! What, you say that’s not a new spec and us just regurgitating an old one…YES, we’re lazy!
But what about healing? Well, good news: bandages still work and no longer require tailoring again! Also, if you want to live longer, play Protection WARRIOR!
“Yae took away our guns!” Nope, you can still do autoattack ranged damage as long as you are within 5yd! In fact, NEW to WARRIORs in this expansion is the ability to dual-wield ranged weapons!
“I don’t like shields or dual-wielding, but I do like Andy Griffith and 25-year-old quotes!” No problem! There’s ARMS WARRIOR for you!
“Now I got plenty of ARMS!! Big ARMS!! Pretty ARMS!! I got arms up the WAZOO!”