Ideally, its Odyn.
Knowing now that the Titans are coming back, the former Prime Designate panics because a lot of what has gone wrong with Azeroth is his fault.
Yogg’Saron getting free? Odyn pulled his wing of Ulduar free in a fit of pique and left a gaping hole in the defences around the slumbering Old God, potentially waking it up and allowing it to corrupt Loken in the process.
Odyn willingly worked with a rival Pantheon, and a hostile, exiled member of one at that, to gain the forces he ‘needed’ for his self-serving, ego-centric plans, involving the death, torture and corruption of Helya into a servant of said hostile, exiled member of the Pantheon of Death, a betrayal of the entirety of the Titan Watchers that increased the grip the Pantheon of Death had on the prize the Pantheon of Order had worked so bloody hard to get in the first place.
He’s an abject failure of a Prime Designate whose megalomania and horrendously self-inflated sense of self-worth have driven him to commit atrocity after atrocity, and he needs to find the original Uldaman Discs and rewrite them, and all other forms of Titanic record-keeping, to ensure the Titans don’t wipe him off the face of creation for his many and constant failures.
Ideally, we have Odyn start panicking after his discreet attempts to cover his tracks keep failing or being exposed by his fellow Titan Watchers and Keepers, and our travel to the Dragon Isles and exposure of his self-aggrandizing ‘proclamations’ becomes wide-spread across Azeroth. Realising he has only a very short window to ‘purge’ all of this ‘slander’, Odyn goes in hard and uses his old codes as the former Prime Designate, and the same back-door access that Loken used to falsely claim the title for himself, to try and start a Re-Origination Protocol, preferring a scorched-earth tactic that, given the presence of the Sword in Silithus, might actively harm or kill the World Soul, because if he can’t be on top, nobody can.
The raid starts with the Players, Magni, Jaina and Thalyssa teleporting into the Halls of Lightning, where we fight waves of Val’kyr, Stormforged Vrykul and Titanic constructs to reach Loken’s Throne, where Odyn is working with the controls, trying to activate something. Odyn curses us, calling us ingrates and proclaiming he never should have trusted a ‘creature of flesh’ to understand the burdens of leadership, or be able to be as loyal as his Vrykul, and sends a powerful Vrykul Champion to fight us, aided by Golden Val’kyr throughout the fight while he continues to try and force the Throne to assist him, until smashing it in his fury and leaving through a Waygate.
The next boss has us teleporting after Odyn again, this time heading to the Halls of Communion, where Odyn is once again trying something, but the World Soul is actively refusing to aid him, and we have to defend this ‘Proto-Avatar’ of Azeroth from Odyn, the form of shining Azerite shifting from Troll to Tauren to Kaldorei to Human and back again as Odyn attempts to bludgeon it into submission, until we reach a critical point and the World Soul blasts Odyn back, where he opens another Waygate and escapes, nearly incoherent in rage and fear.
The third boss has us following Odyn to Wintergrasp Fortress, where Odyn is advancing on the fortress and players must man the walls, the siege weapons and the weapon platforms and wipe out waves of Stormforged Vyrkul, enslaved Storm Drakes and eventually Odyn himself, before the former Prime Designate manages to smash his way through the walls and enter the depths of the fortress, and we have to chase after him. In the depths, we see Odyn stealing various items of a size that could only be wielded by a Keeper or watcher, and flee again using a Waygate.
We follow him again, and this time we end up in the Halls of Origination, where the Titanic constructs there are engaged in a pitched battle against Odyn’s Stormforged Vrykul, and we must aid them in slowing down the rogue Prime Designate, involving several battles, first a battle of attrition against the bulk of the Stormforged Vrykul, then a re-hash of the battle against Hymdall and Hyrja, with the two of them calling out to Odyn for aid, only for the Keeper to abandon them at the last moment, and finally we fight Eyir.
Eyir warns us that she is powerless to oppose Odyn, as the same ritual made to turn Helya from a Titan Keeper into a Demi-God of Death was perfected and used on her, forcing her to forever serve Odyn without becoming a dark and twisted entity like her predecessor. Odyn only wanted to present a ‘perfect’ face to his agendas, after all, and tells us while she must uphold Odyn’s orders to fight us, slaying her will free her soul, and at last she can at last have her own will once again.
The fight is a brutal one, with Eyir conjuring swarms of Stormforged Vrykul, Valajar Val’kyr at key points while she surrounds herself with a barrier and recovers energy, at which point the players need to clear the trash and break down her barrier or take a massive amount of damage as she regains all her energy.
Finally, we find one last Waygate at the surface, where the Titan Watchers of Uldum lay, many destroyed and torn apart, with only one still functional, laying by the ruined area where the console that would activate the Re-Origination Protocol once was. It tells us that Odyn was locked out of the system but swore he would ‘avenge himself’ and stole the console itself.
We plunge through this final Waygate and find ourselves in the Titan Facility of Uldis, and a badly damaged and frantic Odyn who is at the far end of the narrow, confined space, with the Re-Origination Console floating in a sphere of golden light over several relics, trying to force the system to accept his commands. Seeing us, Odyn rages at us, that we’re accidents, malformed mistakes made by the Old Gods and the heresy of his treacherous kin, his disloyal minions, and attacks us.
This fight is a straight up nuke-fest, with Odyn attacking us at our end of the hallway with everything he has left, and the players returning in kind, trying to push back to the Console and stop whatever it is he’s trying. At 25, 50, 75 and 90% health, Odyn falls back and gains a new ability at the cost of taking even more damage, and becoming more unhinged and desperate, until at 90%, Odyn stumbles backwards and falls upon the console.
With his frame cracked open and his energies depleted, Odyn falls back into the energy matrix and shrieks in pain as he crushes the console beneath himself, and the Keeper Relics blast him, their functions going haywire as Odyn is most definitely not a console and their functions were re-wired for expressly that purpose. With his out shell burnt off, exposing the Construct/Mechanical innards of a Keeper, Odyn falls unconscious, moaning about his glory, his honor, as the surviving Keepers of Azeroth teleport in to take him into custody, thanking the players for stepping in, as they have been busy keeping the Old Gods contained.
In an effort to ‘justify’ the Re-Origination of Azeroth, Odyn had sent Valajar or Stormforged Vrykul out to the Facilities where Old Gods were trapped and tried to release them, and the Titan Keepers have only just forced Yogg’Saron and C’Thun back into stasis, with G’Huun’s corruption sterilized at the cost of several miles of swamp around the facility there.
We’re thanked for keeping Azeroth safe once more, Odyn is kept chained in much the same way that Ra-den was by the Thunder King, spitting curses and spluttering oaths of vengeance at all and sundry, but the Titan Keepers ignore him and tell us that without the Console, there is no way to activate the Re-Origination Protocol, and they have no intention of repairing it, preferring to stand and fight by our sides against the Void and the other corrupting forces of Azeroth than destroy everything they have come to love and cherish.
And then you get a Mimiron’s Head mount, but styled after Odyn, if you’re really lucky and the RNGeesus favours you.