MFW I realise I speed-read the prompt and completely miss the point, erk.
The problem I see here is the Titans, and their Titan Keepers, have made a slew of enemies we’ve had to endure and put down.
Vrykul? Titans. Imprisoned Old Gods? Titans. Dragons? Titans. DEMONS? Titans. Troggs? Titans. Emerald Dream and Nightmare? Ultimately the Titans’ fault.
I could definitely see a raid where the Vrykul of Northrend, and groups from the Lost Isles who refuse to acknowledge the sovereignty of God-Queen Sigryn, and these vampiric Vrykul have set about building an army for their ‘Death God-King’, a son of King Ymiron and Queen Angerboda who was too young to fight during the Northrend War, but has risen and through a surprising mix of diplomacy and guile, wrangled many Chieftains and Reaver-Captains into service. Northrend will be theirs, and with the Lich King gone, the Scourge pacified and now leaderless after Sylvanas shattered the Helm of Domination, and the Alliance and Horde having pulled out all but skeleton-crews from their outposts, there’s no other force in the region that can effectively stand against the Vrykul.
The Horde learns about this from the Taunka and their own forces there, who have been pushed back to Warsong Hold in the Borean Tundra and Tunka’lo in the Storm Peaks, while the Alliance hear about it from Valiance Keep in the Borean Tundra and, of all things, reports from Wolf Cultists in the Grizzly Hills.
Enslaving the remaining Frost Trolls and pushing the native Taunka, Human and Tuskarr populations to the outskirts of the continent and slaying any who offer even token resistance, the God-King’s forces practice a twisted blending of Blood Magic, Necromancy and Elemental enslavement that bends both beast and spirit to their will, further fortifying their already sizeable forces and allowing this ‘Death God-King’ to spread his influence across the whole of the continent.
The raid starts off in Warsong Hold, where the remaining Horde and Alliance forces have been pushed back by the encroaching Vrykul, and players are tasked with pushing back the Vrykul assault, including staggered waves of Tideskorn, Dragonflayer and Jotunheim Vrykul, each faction seeking to prove themselves over their allies. the Tideskorn approach on foot in heavily armored ranks, the Dragonflayers swoop in on the backs of native Protodrakes, and the Jotunheim charge forth on the backs of enormous Polar Bears, which fight alongside them when dismounted.
Eventually, the players repulse six waves, two of each type, before a random Champion appears who was leading the fight. A Tideskorn who wields corrupted Elemental magic with a Fel twist, a Dragonflayer who fights alongside a massive and ruthless Protodrake, or a Jotunheim Champion who uses her massive black polar bear to trample foes beneath her.
With the siege broken, the players are tasked with spear-heading an assault on Valiance Keep next, as the Warsong Hold’s docks were destroyed, and the defenders need a working harbour to ferry supplies and reinforcements in to help turn the tide of this Vrykul threat. The players charge across the tundra, dealing with scattered outriders of Vrykul and doing their best to stay hidden, as the more scouts that spot them gives more warning to the enemy, resulting in more enemy troops to face at Valiance Keep.
Regardless, once they make it to the Keep, they find the remaining two Vrykul Champions joined by a Bonespeaker Shaman, who sends these champions forward to fight the players and buy time as the Bonespeaker tries to destroy the docks with his army of enslaved mindless Scourge. The Champions are weaker than the one the Players will fight at Warsong Hold, but work together, making their abilities significantly more frustrating to deal with as the overlap can cripple a raid if they are allowed to stun-lock or CC the bulk of the raid.
As the two Champions are finally slain, the Bonespeaker curses them for being weak cowards and escapes on the back of a zombie mammoth and the Alliance and Horde forces stream into the Keep as Horde and Alliance ships start advancing as the signal-fires are lit. The players are given a chance to recover and repair their equipment before the Nerubians make an appearance and remind the Players that their agreement with the Alliance and Horde only extends to the surface, all of the underground spaces of Northrend belong to them. In the spirit of ‘co-operation’, they will allow us to use their tunnels to bypass the bulk of the Vrykul armies and strike at their commanders, rendering the Vrykul leaderless and forcing them to stall as their greatest warriors fight for the right to command and further weaken the enemy, but that is all the Nerubians will do.
This leads to the players popping up in one of three locations.
The Savage Thicket in Sholazar Basin, to thwart the leading Drake Wrangler of the Dragonflayer Clan, who is attended by several groups of warriors and trainers and must be defeated before he can force the Broodmother of the Black Proto-Drakes into service. Players do this by releasing her Consorts, saving her eggs and burning the totems used to bend her will before finally getting down into a good old fashioned fight with the Drake Wrangler, whose end comes not from the Players, but the vengeful Broodmother, who snatches up the Vrykul, flies high up into the aid, then drops him and causes the Vrykul to collapse into a gorey heap in the middle of the arena.
Conquest Hold in the Grizzly Hills, where the Tideskorn have set up their base of operations, burning most Alliance and Horde structures to the ground and turning the survivors into ‘serfs’ that labour under cruel conditions to build a settlement for their new masters. Players must stealthily slay the Tideskorn Rebels to avoid them slaughtering the Prisoners, escort the Prisoners to a pair of Mages who have opened a discreet portal back to Valiance Keep, and burn down the Tideskorn’s Great Halls to ensure these Fel-wielding rebels have nowhere to fall back to before engaging with the leader of the Tideskorn Rebels, a brutal and envious Vrykul Shield-Maiden who screams and swears that the God-Queen is a traitor and a kin-slayer for what she did to Torvald and does not deserve Eiyr’s respect before we slay her.
Finally, the Players reach the Storm Peaks, and Brunnhildar Village, where they engage in a knock-down drag-out siege, complete with Siege Tanks from Wintergrasp, with Players on foot screening the tanks as the Players in the Tanks use the turrets and the bulk of the vehicles to crush and destroy every structure in their path before reaching a powerful Ice Witch of Jotunheim heritage, whose frost magic causes the tanks to seize up, and the players must engage her directly, avoiding her glacial tombs and crashing pillars of ice to send the Jotunheim Vrykul fleeing back to their hidden villages in Icecrown.
With his three greatest champions defeated, Players are now able to head back to the Howling Fjords, where the Death God-King Rhangar awaits them, seeking either an honorable end on the battlefield or to see his enemies broken before them, with all that remains of his forces. The battle is chaotic, with what remains of the Dragonflayers attacking from the air and the land, the Bonespeakers flinging enslaved Undead at the Players at every opportunity, and the few Tideskorn Rebels and Jotunheim Champions hurling themselves forwards in a suicidal frenzy, choosing death over a dishonorable defeat. Eventually, players reach the Death God-King, and Rhangar lashes out with a surprising mix of abilities, wielding Elemental Frost, deadly skill with his axe and dagger and the bestial might of his favoured companions, a hulking Black Proto-Drake and a pair of wargs of vicious temperament, before being bested and falling to his knees.
In the aftermath, God-Queen Sigryn appears from the smoking ruins of Utgarde Keep, stating that the God-King’s ‘Queen’ challenged her to single combat and lost, and reveals a small wrapped bundle in her arms, a new heir to the Dragonflayer Clan. Stating it is not her way, nor her peoples for so long as she leads them, to allow the death of an innocent, the God-Queen invokes her Right of Victory and demands the remaining Vrykul on the battlefield put down their weapons and acknowledge her claim, or she’ll send them all to Helya right this instant. Scowling and muttering, most of the survivors do, but a few choose to fall on their own axes and blades instead rather than serve a ‘Kin-Slayer’ lineage, and grim-faced, the God-Queen Sigryn promises the Players and their Factions that she will see the Vrykul of Northrend brought to heel and broken from the treacherous ways of King Ymiron and Queen Angerboda, even if she has to beat all of them into the ground to do so.