Make a Gold Tax!

Make a bunch of characters, spread the wealth among them. Reap the money coming in from other people not smart enough to do the same.

It does work for the ones collecting the tax(aristocrats). See China. Just like trickle down circonomics by the capitalists. (aristocrats). All these systems are just a bunch of BS to keep you running some sort of rat race and keep some semblance of order. It’s an illusion. Nothing more. Just like currency.

That sounds stupid.

Not happening. Besides if Blizzard aren’t even banning bots what makes you think they’ll break their fast on #Nochanges because players go out of their way to break Warcrafts economy?

You’ve dug yourselves into this pit and nobody is going to help you dig out.

Can I level a mage and stack about 50k first?



Stealing isn’t right. Your parents should have taught you this

Yep, when corruption & greed is allowed to run amok, it will eventually bring down and economic system, society or civilization. The U.S. is already well on this track.


Capitalism rewards intelligence, personal responsibility, and risk taking.

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Just go make some gold it’s really not that hard.

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:joy: Thanks for the laugh!

Could you imagine someone actually thinking this? Thank god you’re being sarcastic! :wink:

Ethical Capitalism is the only good Capitalism… :100:

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That’s asking a lot of most people.


dance on the mailbox for gold.

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Unfortunately you’re correct, some people can’t see the forest behind the tree…hopfully my children and yours and everyone elses figures it out before the riots/revolutions start when automation/advanced AI starts kicking into high gear. :slightly_frowning_face:

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or sell runs, herbs, enchanting mats, or raid low tier raids.

All that would do is make player convert gold into assets like Arcane Crystals, Herbs, pots etc. It make no difference on the economy, also it would incentivize people to just make as many characters as possible to get part of the free gold.

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That stuff is legitimately scary. Scary enough I don’t even like thinking about it because some of these algorithms know us better than we know our selves. especially the truly top tier stuff that our smart phone OS makers use to advertise, its very impressive that its an algorithm that can predict us. Someone said that the phones even listen while they are not in use, and I don’t know how true that is, but they sure as heck to look at your internet browsing and the telemetry data from the phone at the time of use and compare those things to derive a advertisement scheme. Thankfully those things are not capable of real thought process or anything creepy, and I actually remains skeptical about self aware AI even being possible, but maybe it is, but thats kinda the big old skynet thing.

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So, communism basically?



Its the kinda stuff that keeps you up at night if you think about it and what the world will look like after it really takes off and the implications for our planet/people.

Advanced AI and Advanced Automation is the perfect example of a double edged sword, it has the ability to set us free as a species, to end world hunger, to give everyone on planet Earth a decent life with an abundance of resources,etc,etc all without the need of exploitation of the environment,resources ,workforce’s and consumers. On the other hand if used in the wrong way, it will trap the human race and destroy us, will live in a world that nobody wants to be apart of but very few and even then those few are just blinded by greed and power.(They might even Musk it and become one with the AI, become super human so to speak) Leaving the the rest of the world at a disadvantage they’ll never be able to overcome and they will not share that power with others, just like they don’t share now.

Same, I do think it will happen though, maybe in our lifetimes maybe not but one this is for sure, the speed at which its happening is crazy. We’ve come so far in the last 20 yeas in terms of Advance AI and Advanced Automation, its stunning to think about it and read about it. :exploding_head:

That movie was so ahead of its time, I still remember being a kid, and being scared as hell when he pulled his eye out in the bathroom, gave me nightmares for weeks lol.

What’s going to be funny is the AI is going to have a cult following, Religions are going to pop up and they’ll be people that will worship the AI. :man_shrugging:

Like most things in life, it comes down to us…I imagine that’s the most likely scenario for all species on all planets, that’s maybe why the Fermi Paradox holds true, species get to this point and then they crash and burn because they can’t handle this kind of power because instead of fixing themselves and becoming a better species before hand they choose the easy way out of thinking/hoping that something else can save them from themselves…not realizing that AI is what we make of it and if we’re not good people 99% probability that our AI will mimic us and not be very good.

I love this subject though, knowing that in 50-100 years there won’t be Doctors,Lawyers,Dentists,Nurses,Military,Teachers,Programmers,Mechanics,Police,Fire,etc,etc,etc all will be replaced by low cost, non-sleeping,non-eating,non-personal problems AI is going to be a crazy and a wake up call for people. The only jobs that are going to be safe for the foreseeable future is going to be high level engineers and the Arts and even then those things are just buying time until we have even more advanced AI.

Sorry for the long post…I ramble on this stuff… :partying_face:

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If it becomes self aware, then it’s possible such a thing could declare itself god. That’s actually scary because people will worship. It could in theory claim to be the creator too and they could believe it even though the claim is its own paradox.

Check out the AI artists that amateurs are building now. I doubt anything would be left. It’s one of these things that once the can of worms is opened it will not stop until the world burns.

honestly stupid if this happened people would dump gold for mats and consumes instead