Make 5% damage buff boonable

So the chronoboon was introduced into the game to make it so people wouldn’t be raid logging right? so why doesn’t it store the ashenvale 5% damage buff?

per the chronoboon announcement post, blizzard implemented this mechanic to stop people from raid logging.


agreed, aggravating that the boon doesn’t save it.

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Side note, un-booning DMF shouldnt leave you with 4 hour CD before getting it again.

Had DMF all week, used it the night DMF was leaving, RIP 4hour cd couldnt re-up the buff even though id had it all week


this sounds like a very good idea

Cuz its an item you can hold onto.


Would be nice but yea as it’s an item we carry I don’t think they are classifying it as a “world buff”.

why not just make it boonable though, you still are forced to raid log after the first raid the same way you would if the buff dropped in a major city, regardless of it being a held item.

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It’s like asking why you can’t boon your elixirs.


no its not, elixirs aren’t on a week long cooldown


Still a consumable. You use it, it’s consumed, you gotta get another one.

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this is a pretty worthless explanation. I’m asking why the devs think its a good design, not why it “makes sense” mechanically

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What are the restrictions on the AV buff, is it just a flat 2 hour buff for whatever content your doing when you pop the scroll?

It’s a weekly quest reward. It’s nice to have a little 5% buff.

Not the devs fault the parse monkeys throw poo on the walls when something doesn’t cater to them.


i actually do think that the devs are responsible for the game that they design, so i guess we just disagree there

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Because ZG buff later on and Warrior scaling.

This is why.

I think it’s unfair to compare an elixir that has an infinite supply to a consume that can be used once per week

For the game. Not the players.

Can’t be responsible for players behaving poorly over a 5% weekly buff.

right, posting in the forum is “behaving poorly”

While this issue mostly targets the upper end guilds, these are the guilds that are willing to raid log one of their characters for the entire week to get 2-3 raids out of their scroll. Allowing this buff to be boonable only enables these players to play their main characters more without penalty.

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right, i see no downside to making it boonable or putting it on a 3 day cooldown. some people just like playing their characters at their strongest and they will do that if they have to raid log