Make 2200 MOP enchant an Illusion


Not gonna happen, duelist/hota s14-15 is the only way for blizz to verify people got it, there weren’t season specific rating achieves like dominant elite etc. Obviously if people have it in their bags they should be able to buy it, but Blizz doesn’t seem to want to concede this.

It’s an illusion Michael

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i rly doubt the bean counters in anaheim can economically justify keeping old stuff exclusive when they’re so hard up for assets to give us when we achieve stuff in modern patches

they’re gonna cave someday and johnny void ritual will be able to earn demonic tyranny, mark my words


Account wide glad mounts is Phase 1, waiting for Phase 2 when they cave and let people earn old elite sets :sweat_smile:

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why stop there? lets bring back the old gladiator mounts as combatant rewards


Apologies to a poor soul I bumped out of glad for no reason (now) final night of demonic

I doubt they’ll make old elite sets earnable again but I never thought they’d make glad mounts acc wide but shows what I know. Indubitably related to glad mount FoS being infinitely more verifiable than some shmuck who hit 2200 once and got a single piece of elite gear. Elite gear used to require conquest grinding and was purely cosmetic outside weapons. I only played the 3 months I did WoD S3 for the elite set, because I missed warrior WoD s2 elite by hitting 2k and not farming it out, lost the rating and never purchased it, and was determined not to let that happen again

Lol dear diary moment

also had a funny thought in that legion s1/2 glads who didn’t play any more legion seasons don’t have demonic tyranny

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there are some mistwalk mwers who are very salty about that

Poor one out for Bordae :frowning:

Actually forgot how gross this was

I have the MOP pvp enchants on all my boa weapons, still have it on both my priests weapons from mop in my bank, and even have scrolls unused… yet they won’t let me buy the illusion… it’s bs

Oops posted on wrong character… this is my current main… I have the MOP pvp enchants on all my boa weapons, still have it on both my priests weapons from mop in my bank, and even have scrolls unused… yet they won’t let me buy the illusion… it’s bs

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It’s weird if you have them already they don’t let you, was there a way back then to make it boe with a scroll or something?

Because I can’t understand why they wouldnt let you have it if you already have it.

:triumph: let me finish my old elite sets out. So annoying missing 1 or 2 pieces.

There is an argument for the elite set finishing.

The problem with the Glorious Tyranny Enchant -> Illusion was that blizzard, after short-sightedly implementing the same “effect” over two expansions and wardrobe systems, then gave it to every player who earned duelist.

The only bracket this addressed was 3V3. 5V5 duelist cut-off was above 2.2k rating and RBG players didn’t even get a look in. A second short-sighted move by blizzard.

So if a player can run round with it on an old weapon, but it’s impossible for them to put it on a current weapon, who the hell does it hurt by fixing this in the transmog system? They already gave it to ppl who didn’t earn the effect…

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