Majority will pick venthyr

Ya it’s called werewolfs suck and vampires are superior lol

Anyways necrolords are the best so most chars will be necro I might make a mage vampire or monk vampire though

(goes to the wow general forums)
? XD


The way it’s looking now you’re probably right. I know the Bastion faction appeals to me more, but that teleport is just too appealing for M+. And for warriors nothing really compares to Condemn right now.

The majority won’t pick one covenant. I don’t even know how to take that survey because that implies you just play one character and I seriously doubt many people do that anymore.

Each of your characters gets a different vote.

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On the survey they have posted on the forum right now? The survey would be meaningless if they did that, although it is pretty meaningless right now anyway.

In other words.

your standard human male paladin covenant.

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Yes, if you change character you get to vote again, each character has different votes so you can vote differently based on your class

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I put my :moneybag: on Venthyr to. There’s no doubt that will be the most popular covenant

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I can’t be bothered doing that, sorry.

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Indeed, especially after the moment the tryhards who watch preach heard “you have to be trolling to not pick venthyr, teleport is OP” and started making threads about how it is either venthyr or nothing xD


Lol yup that to

Exactly! Either they doubt their own ability to clear content without the Covenant buff or they never really needed it to begin with .

Imo if you are not a WF raider where having every advantage to be the first to clear the raid before others then covenant ,racials and stuff like augment runes should not matter.

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I mean, Gothic architecture, vampires, it’s kind of a win here. Though For this guy, I dunno. I’m leaning towards either Bastion for that Heroic warrior vibe or Maldraxxus for that Military bit.

Night Fae all the way. Loves me some furry monster girls.

I don’t really care about the teleport. I just want to be able to execute mobs at 100%.

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Funny since the people “demanding” Venthyr or bust are treating it as more than a game. I don’t necessarily agree that FOTM people are scum, but my opinion is closer to that scale with this.

I don’t really see it that way. People want to make the experience as easy as possible.

as i said in the Poll thread, the mage ability is absolute garbage for Venthyr, but not sure i can pass up that teleport

i want blizzard to go ahead and nerf the teleport or change all of the other covenant abilities to actually be similar to it like they were at blizzcon.

I want to go night fae for blessings but they made them bad to use… I don’t want to buff people every 15 seconds…

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