So tonight i was running Time walking dungeons with my wife and daughter all sitting in the same room our living room on 3 different pcs. We run together so when we run into toxic players we can vote them out as we control majority of the vote 3/5. This guy keeps pulling Everything way ahead of the tank (Me). We voted to kick him out screen message says vote failed. Then i get kicked from dungeon. How does this happen when my group owns majority vote and i know damn well my wife and daugther didnt vote to kick me and they said they never even got the vote to kick the guy pulling everything! I got deserter debuff! Blizz fix your game !
I assume one of the three of you didn’t click. I also assume the tie goes to the kick.
When the system shows votes coming from the same guild, it needs to be unanimous with 4/5 votes to prevent abusive removal.
Oh? Is that true? Interesting. I guess it makes sense.
If you’re running as a premade, it needs to be 4/5.
A premade group is counted as one vote. Two votes out of 3 voted to remove you, one vote out of 3 to remove the other guy.
If someone gets kicked out of groups too many times (no idea the number) they get vote kick immunity (don’t know for how long).
lol, that is wild. Form groups to avoid kicks.
On this season of “Karma strikes again” lol i love it
If you were trying to tank as a low level prot warrior with a 2hander instead of a shield, you deserved it.
I’d have loved to have seen the OP’s face when he got kicked.
Seems like it worked great.
Yeah I don’t see how two votes could have kicked anybody sounds fishy
Apparently vote kicking counts pre-made groups as 1 vote, so the two people can still majority vote to kick someone. Which defeats the whole point of 3 man grouping to avoid being kicked, lmao.
If that is the case I won’t be doing any pre-made groups ever unless I have a full team LOL. That’s one of the most ridiculous things I think I’ve ever heard
That’s what they’re saying above, I dunno if its true 100%, but if it is yeah that completely and fundamentally cuts the legs off of “Just form a party and queue so you can’t be majority voted” that the other kick-threads argue against, because, lmao.
You would rather a 3 person premade have 3 individual votes on kicks for the two randomly-selected individuals left?
Isn’t this diametrically opposed to your usual stance on vote kicks?
The only info I can find is this:
Nothing about a group counting as one vote. Maybe if someone not in the premade initiates, then it does that? I dunno. I’ve never heard that before.
If I recall the thread, the argument Li made was that people should require actual reasons to kick someone for a kick to be valid.
I simply pointed out that it shouldn’t have the deserter buff right away, i neither argued for nor against the vote system or anything to do with it otherwise.
One of the big responses to the complaint/argument was “Well if you don’t want to get voted out, you should make a premade group to run dungeons so you have majority vote.”
I’m not sure exactly how it works, but I can confirm and would be willing to join a 3-person premade of people here to prove that it does not let 3 vote kick one without input from a 4th.
That’s one point, yes, but they often go into a lot of other topics.