if it’s a group run, you need 4 votes.
Yeah, that I know is a thing. I just never heard of the other thing.
Thing and the thing. Clearly I’m tired.
Yeah I’ve certainly never heard of this particular thing before. And I don’t do pre-made groups so I’m not an authority with any knowledge of the matter but that just seems Preposterous if that’s the case. I mean people would take three players in so that they couldn’t be abused with bogus kicks. Seems entirely self-defeating at that point
Well if we’re talking about what I would rather, I would rather you stop obsessing about me and stop posting in my direction but I realize that’s not going to happen lol. That said as I said if this is the case then I will not be making any pre-mades. That’s my choice and frankly none of your concern

Well if we’re talking about what I would rather, I would rather you stop obsessing about me and stop posting in my direction but I realize that’s not going to happen lol.
What a lovely response to an honest question.
This is not the first time you’ve done this, though.

That’s my choice and frankly none of your concern
Nothing you do is my concern. This is a public forum, though. Meant for discussion.

You would rather a 3 person premade have 3 individual votes on kicks for the two randomly-selected individuals left?
Isn’t this diametrically opposed to your usual stance on vote kicks?
You’d think so. Because then if there’s a toxic person in the premade, no one can deal with that. And that would suck.
Sees your name.
Reads your fiction.
3/10 mate. I was curious where it was going and then it went nowhere.
it was pretty good bait though you landed a whole bunch of responses and caused a completely different fight after you abandoned the thread and never bothered to respond. Lol good job.
When you’re so bad at the game you need your wife and kid to protect you from getting kicked when you try to be the ruling authority in groups to kick “toxic” (which is toxic behavior from you) is just perfect.
Guys let’s group up and do some tests, because this story seems to strain credulity
Sounds like a game of Among Us and you get hit by an impostor

We voted to kick him out screen message says vote failed. Then i get kicked from dungeon.
Not sure if this is the case or not, but I read somewhere that the subject of the vote does not and will not see any messages that a vote kick was failed. So it’s odd that you, the initiator of the vote kick, were kicked in retaliation. The other person would not know that you initiated the vote, or that a vote took place at all, unless you discussed it openly. If you did discuss it openly, that is also toxic, so consider that in your future interactions with others.
Let’s not overlook how you deserved it.
Was he causing others to die? If no, then put on your big adult pants and go along with it.
Was he getting himself killed? If no, then you’re even more in the wrong, accept that someone else can do a better job, and collect your rewards instead of being an ingrate.
If the answer to #1 is yes, then absolutely kick and it’ll be unanimous, congrats. If only #2 is yes, then point and laugh and then votekick.
Its a prot paladin with a sword and shield lvl 80 ilvl 607 Ty
OP got caught lackin
If you woudn’t do this in a mythic plus group then why would you do it in any other group??? You think you are gonna mass pull ahead of the tank in mythic plus and not have issues?

If you woudn’t do this in a mythic plus group then why would you do it in any other group
For the same reason that you’d run a man down in LFR but not Mythic Ansurek? It’s drastically easier content than M+ and you’re not threatened in queued content at appropriate item levels.

So tonight i was running Time walking dungeons with my wife and daughter all sitting in the same room our living room on 3 different pcs. We run together so when we run into toxic players we can vote them out as we control majority of the vote 3/5. This guy keeps pulling Everything way ahead of the tank (Me). We voted to kick him out screen message says vote failed. Then i get kicked from dungeon. How does this happen when my group owns majority vote and i know damn well my wife and daugther didnt vote to kick me and they said they never even got the vote to kick the guy pulling everything! I got deserter debuff! Blizz fix your game !
Before trying to abuse the kick feature, do you try talking to people? Sometimes a little friendly-like comment goes a long way.

When the system shows votes coming from the same guild, it needs to be unanimous with 4/5 votes to prevent abusive removal.
You beat me to it.
Refer to the checklist.
If I can pull ahead and not cause any deaths in M+, then yes I would. Back when grinding +2s for valor was a thing I absolutely did it. As the healer.