Majority of forum goers ignores articles related to TWW

True, but honestly probably still took them less time than finding the notes and reading them. I’m willing to bet most don’t even know or see the pinned posts. Don’t go to the main page, don’t visit Wowhead.

Where is the Blizzard TWW article that tells me what happened to my Dragonflight reps and explains why they disappeared from the Reputation tab? I think that article will be helpful for me to read…I must have missed it.

I really find that hard to believe considering it can be found on the bnet launcher as soon as you open it. These people are victims of their own incompetency.

They are, but you have to figure how most people operate. They are likely just clicking play and get in game and then go, what the hell! Then come to the forums. :rofl:

Sadly, true.

Which is why they are ridiculed when they ask.

There are people who carefully read up on things before starting them. And then there are people who dive into something without reading anything. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. But whichever type you are, you need to learn to cope with the other type because you WILL have to deal with them. In games. At work. In friendships and marriages and families. Learn to take a deep breath and tell yourself that we all have to learn to handle difference gracefully.

A lot of players are in little isolated social pods.

So a lot of announcements can sneak by

I got ADHD and don’t have the patience to read through everything thoroughly. I just read the stuff I think directly pertains to the class I’m playing and skip the rest until it affects me after the patch LOL

I don’t Twitter.

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People are paradoxically lazy and have zero attention span. They also lack self-awareness, which is why their common defense when challenged is “some of us have a life” or “I don’t have time” even though navigating to the forums and arguing with everyone takes more time and effort than just Googling their question.

I don’t find it a big deal when people come here with questions, it’s when they come in with guns blazing that I find it annoying and not terribly inclined to help them.

I know this isn’t on topic but looking at your Mog there, I am getting Queen Gedron vibes from Red Sonja?

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We’re also apparently missing mounts. I know I’m missing the Amber Skitterfly in my mounts journal. Who knows what else?

I’ve worked in the customer service industry interfacing with customers for over 25 years, all my adult life. Both in a brick and mortar retail setting but also working for customer service of an online retailer.

In both settings people don’t read.

There is a small subset of humans who due to personality traits likes to be fully informed. Those individuals will seek out and find information even if it’s in an difficult to find location and they will read it.

But, the vast majority of people could be faced with a las vegas style billboard sign with the exact relevant information they need or want to know and they still wouldn’t read it.

Honestly, as soon as remix came out I did actually ignore any article relating to TWW. Like, the expansion has spiders, or something. I’ll figure it out, later.

You have people who play WoW that are largely stuck in their own little bubble. Until that bubble burst on patch day. Yes they are largely clueless about anything going on in development or changes that are going to effect the game.

First thing I do every time I visit the forums is click on “Blizz Tracker” all news and information should be linked to from there.

If it isn’t, then Blizzard obviously doesn’t think it is important enough to tell us about it. I shouldn’t have to track down social media accounts and third-party sites to learn about what is going on with the service.


Does the bent launcher have a link to the known bugs?

Thankfully the above is stickied/pinned. But it’s pinned in the bug report sub forum and not general discussion which I find odd. But maybe this is also posted in the bnet launcher to helps folks get their bearings?

Love it! Thanks!

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You’re welcome

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