Majority of forum goers ignores articles related to TWW

One thing, I notice after the prepatch went live and everything that has came after people on here will be confused and not knowing what is what or this or that. It’s like nobody read up on anything or follow up on anything that blizzard announces or post on their website or social platforms and even on here the very forums.


There are people that don’t have time to look at the details of stuff like that. It doesn’t become apparent to them until they get a chance to play it for themselves.


People have lives.


I mainly care about questing/lore so anything else is just a if I stumble upon it then I’ll read up about it, otherwise I’m good. Not everyone is going to care about the same things that you do

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Weird political stuff aside…

I keep having to link the same articles over and over again. All from the WoW website itself, not even from Wowhead or anything.

Such forum goers tend to be:

  • Simply unaware, due to life or other events bombarding them; so take it off face-value & rumoured updates.
  • They’re part of a crowd that are willfully ignorant a lot of the times & are either argumentatively contrary and / or are simply too proud to back down from their protest.

:face_exhaling: In many cases on the WoW forums, I find it to be the latter.

… Additionally you also have the occassional attention seeker / troll, who simply starts the fire & likes to warm their hands over the glowing blaze of both the burning subject that flares and the masses holding torches & pitchforks that gather around it. :person_shrugging:


I mean, I’ll say the same thing to this that I do to people being like, “WHY DIDN’T YOU STUDY THE DUNGEON GUIDE LIKE IT WAS A COLLEGE COURSE AND LEARN FROM YOUTUBE??”

Because that’s not how I learn. I learn by doing. Okay, I’ve got this giant wall of text and a couple of screenshots, great. I have no context for this information until I’m elbows-deep in experiencing it for myself.

Then, once I have, going back and looking at a guide or write-up or video can help. Often it doesn’t, because the guides are missing key steps that the writer thought would be obvious or intuitive or they forgot. I’ll usually only come to the forums to ask if I can’t for the life of me find what I need in the available materials.

But pre-studying? Nah. Not a thing for me.


No, it’s more like blue posts don’t get given any particular prominence in the GD forum and are easy to miss. And it’s like when a new patch goes live with a lot of problems a lot of people rightly seek answers on the official forum rather than a third party site.


reading is for draenei.

Same. I’m a kinesthetic and auditory learner. Reading is great to prime my brain, but there’s so much information out there that I deal with, that just reading about upcoming changes isn’t the same as engaging with it.

Plus, for me and my single toon ways, the warband stuff is largely unnecessary for me (might change in the future though!). Thus, anything about that topic is not something I’m committing to memory.

It is weird to me how infrequently they seem to use the pin feature. Pin/sticky some big update for a couple days and then remove it when no longer relevant.


We’re not talking about learning a new dungeon or new specs. We’re talking about patch notes. Warband details. That sort of thing.


Those topics can still be understood by engaging with them. Similar to the upgrade system or mythic vault system. I can read about those, but seeing how they function is still my ideal way of engaging with new material.

I actually really like getting to use the new human racial. It means more than just reading about the change, to me, of course.

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Yep. Same deal. I read patch notes and Warband details and a rundown of how things will work, but aside from the concept of “a thing will be happening” until I was poking around in the Warband screen in the Beta, what in the world the notes about it were on about might as well have been

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Right, but the stuff I keep having to post are:

  • can’t collect class set pieces
  • Warbank is disabled
  • there is a toggle button for flying
  • action bars may be missing

Not the details of how they work. Just the simple fact that these points exist.

Which is all I’m posting answers to. Not the ins and outs of how it works.


The fact that the bugs and warbank being disabled aren’t stickies on the Gen Disc forum is really odd to me. Could even send it to characters via in-game mail.

The toggle button could have been made into a quest at the Flight Master in any cap city. They simply show you the new skill.

But I agree with you that those items aren’t the same kind of thing as “experiment to understand it.”

Those four points your listed are all separate articles or posts, yeah?

(And now add the extra point about cross-realm trading.)

Well the TWW prepatch is a joke within itself , so there is nothing much I can add to it .

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Yeah, but the OP’s question was, "Why aren’t people reading up on this stuff before it comes out so they don’t have questions and come to the forums and bother everyone? :rage: "

And my answer is, because reading up on it beforehand doesn’t really help me. But also I don’t come here to have it re-explained unless it’s really stumping me. I jump in and figure it out instead, if I can work it out (ask me how I pick my talents. The answer is, I just randomly jab at whatever seems RP appropriate or interesting. Ask me how much of the new crafting systems I did once it got to the point where leveling up required work orders. The answer is, not at all!)

BUT, the point is that not everyone gets information that actually sticks and is helpful from guides and write-ups.

To be fair, for every useful article wowhead puts up, there are 20 clickbait nonsense articles.

(and that’s not even counting the diablo/classic/whatever stuff)


Was I even talking about wowhead? I was specifically referring to blizzard news section.

I read what they wrote many times but I am still confused as to what is starting this week or next.