Majority of forum goers ignores articles related to TWW

Even less useful.

You’d think they could have different types of stickies. Like have the permanent ones that are just invisible to me now, but then have a special sticky section below it for breaking/important updates. For things like the warbank being down, for instance.

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I am not going to third party websites to figure out what is happening to the game.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Hey! I resemble this!

The articles might give away story spoilers, and most people avoid those like the plague.

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That is a good point too.

And other third party websites post articles about other games or other versions of the game so finding news on retail is harder.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

That’s pretty rich considering anyone looking for help would have to scroll through the 30 bait threads OP posts every day.


A lot of features people are complaining or confused about were covered at Blizzcon last year in November… More than enough time to bother finding out. No one is that busy.

There’s a whole internet, and some people use it, and some people don’t, and I don’t really care about people who don’t.

Why not? :thinking:

They’re just resources for information.

Do you think the NSA is gonna laugh at you or something? I don’t get it.

Not that I’ve seen. I’ve seen stuff about Warbands not working, some of the known bugs, they never talked there about how the toggle will auto-load to your bar and how you’d have to move it or find it in your spell book if it doesn’t auto-load. Things like that.

Blizz did post some of the stuff themselves. But I feel like most people just login on patch day.

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Lies, everyone poops, everyone can look at blues while evacuating their intestines.

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Doesn’t stop people from reading patch notes and realizing the event isn’t until July 30.

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I just want them to fix BG Blitz queues I have no idea how they screwed that up.

Most people just don’t care to read about something until it impacts them. Even then they will not bother to do an information search for themselves but instead will go to a site and post for someone to tell them.

This is how the world works for a large amount of people.

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Majority of forum goers have broken troll radars as well :joy:

That is way too specific and TMI. :rofl:

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Yeah I know you didn’t mention age here but everyone needs to understand that “Nintendo Dads” like myself grew up just being able to pick up a game and play it. It usually didn’t come with homework. When I want to relax and play a game I often don’t want to study it like it’s Chess before I can even pick it up.

But they have time to create threads and respond to comments?