
I think next week they want limited downtime. Hence the extended downtime beforehand.

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That’s why I like living in the basement here in my friends house.

Cooler in the summer,warmer in the winter,and shelter in case of tornadic activity requiring the old duck and cover here in Illinois.

Already did full house basement run a few times in the last month.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Try living in the Mid West and Central states this time of year LMAO

It’s tornado season, basement is the best place to be over a high rise apartment penthouse unit any day with those.

Some day they will actual have a notice in game so the majority of players will actually know…naw that would just be logical…

if people dont look at the launcher before clicking play…what makes you think they can read it in the game?

Okay, then how about you go to So Cal.

Wake up every employee gettting ready to go to bed after hours of work and traffic,tell them you insist they come in after hours and see how friendly they will be to run into the office to make you happy.

Games have maintence,especially when getting ready for expansion release dates.

If you don’t like maintence,maybe online gaming isn’t your cuppa.

You mean the thing that was designed to annoy your senses and give you a small sliver of important info…yeah everyone really wants to stare at that. We can annoy you with a social contract ingame but not a popup that says patch info here and when in bold print…

I mean my launcher when i open it has big White box with a WARNING symbol on it standing out like a sore thumb…and people hardly read game chat/messages as it is…Its like if you go to a restaurant and there is a sign on the door that says they are out of X there is always someone who still trys to order X bc they claim they didnt read/see the sign

Weird my launcher has a tiny thin small bit of text that is barely noticeable. Sometimes nothing even at all. Right now zero notice and just shop items and friends list.

right now mine has big bold letters and warning Symbol maintenance tuesday

I would link a screenshot if they did not block it. But no info at all.

Technically that is against the forums ToS to get around protection. Don’t get yourself in trouble.

then google it your self ask for a photo then complain lol

I will Duckduckgo but for sure