
...will they fix any of the ongoing bugs/glitches?

That’s really all I care about, random class buffs/nerfs don’t really concern me too much - I just want the bugs fixed

Patch notes don’t really say much about most of the bugs being complained about in the bugs forum, it’s gonna be real annoying if it’s another 12+ hour downtime and at the end of it all the bugs/glitches are STILL there :yawning_face::-1:

You left out asking for compensation, but I am going to go out on a limb and assume it was part of the prediction package.

People don’t understand how software works.

Please for the love of all things possible in the world. Say it again and louder for the people in the back! This is what most of us would actually like done but alas, we are the ignored ones. People want to add More. MOre. MOR… MORE… to the game but don’t care about what’s in the game and not working.

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Yep to both Im going to enjoy eating the tears hmmm yummy tears taste soo good (eric cartmen voice)


I’ve already started writing jokes. I’m saving them for tomorrow.

Preparation for the big day I presume. Hopefully. a week or two after the expansion arrival things will, hopefully calm down.

NO that’s MY tear teary tearing pot pie!

I wonder if they will fix the warlock cookies this time? Maybe??

wait what? you actually want to be able to use them? but… but…

The litmus test I use is the Pepe toy. It’s been broken ever since Plunderstorm. Until it gets fixed, I consider blizz to be doing zero bug fixes in the game.

I’m totally not butthurt about my broken Pepe. :frowning_face:

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Honestly if they take the game offline for a full day/24 hours… but when it comes back up the bugs are fixed - I wouldn’t even mind that. 1 day with no game? I’ll live

It’s like, when ongoing bugs/glitches have been “live” for 3-4 weeks it starts to get old considering it’s a billion dollar company with resources galore :clown_face:


I use the simple one of my mage blinking backwards when i approach some stair cases. Been that way since original beta testing. But I’m not complaining still… NO… NO… NOPE… lol

same…just do it. :+1:

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You just showed the brain power of an average WoW player. Showed zero idea of how any of it works.


allow me to reply for Boredumb, would you like fries with that?

Lol I come to a forum to see why the game will be down for so long. I was wondering if its for fixes or whatever and all I see are the people with zero things else to do than make fun of people that enjoy the game. These trolls are the worst type of player and the worst part of the community. We’ll all be fine not playing one way or the other but I would suggest maybe finding something constructive to do with your spare time NOT SPENT playing wow or sleeping in your parents’ basement.

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I sleep in my own basement. I have a nap bed in my man-town.

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I wish I had a basement. Ohio is becoming tornado alley.


It’s nice and cool in the summer.

Funny enough, a little more than a month ago we had a tornado come up my street. Literally. Our street was like the center of the destruction. Crazy. Few cars got crushed. We got lucky. Two trees landed between the house and our cars.

This is new for us. The last tornado I can remember was in the 80’s!

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