Maintenance Extended to 1:00 a.m. PDT in this Region

The amount of unsubs this company is about to get…

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Game certainly isn’t being rushed to compete with other releases on June 1st. Beta is most certainly bug free and this pre patch released without issue at all.

Don’t forget to buy your new 6 month subscription pet for TBC and Shadowlands Mount.

Amazing. So in other words most of us should go to bed. My sub runs out in a few hours. I don’t think it will be up before that expires and I am not impressed. All the people leaving Blizzard must have impacted the quality.

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LOL screw this company. I’m tired of being patient now.


Imagine spending resources to be put this stupid imp in a ball and yun mount ingame so you can attempt to make more profit when you have a prepatch delayed this bad.

We aren’t even going to be going into TBC on the day you say it’s gonna be a whole day later just tell us now and save the disappointment and anger and apologize to all the people that probably took time off.


servers are down so i imagine mail is down too marks should still be there

really…ya think ya couldve done of this prior to launch,or like…had a plan of attack.we arent in 2007 anymore,y’all think youd figure out how to launch a game by now

sorry not sorry

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So we have even less time to level our blood elves/draeneis…
Ready for outland, yeah right.

Also tell the guys doing your twitter to share this news as well, they haven’t done so yet.


dude are u kidding me?!!

100+ posts replying to this thread in less than 5 minutes…
Ya’ll don goofed up thar at Activision…


LOL :money_with_wings: :moneybag: :money_with_wings: :moneybag:

it’ll be just shy of may 20th in NZ.

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Dang blizz can’t even get a release for a 15 year old game right. Sorry you guys didn’t have enough time to prepare when you are the ones who set the initial prepatch date. Congrats, you played yourself and your incompetency shows once more.

Great job your team is very competent

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On the forums where players were expressing their extreme excitement for what most would consider to be the cleanest, most impressive relaunch of a 10+ year old video game ever… NO it was a sh*t show… OBVIOUSLY!


Do you guys even try testing crap like this before posting a release date or just hope it works on the day of patch?


i just did the exact same damned thing.

so apperantly this enforces the screen shot I did last night while on the home page it said release date for tbc classic is going to be June 2nd and I would link it but I don’t know how

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They are at least still working. they could really tick some of ya off and call it a night and say they will continue working in the morning.

I find it kind of funny that people wanted original vanilla experience, and that continues to TBC, but they don’t seem to want the original maintenance tuesdays with it. I used to love extended maintenance, it was the day I did the heavy housework, made appointments, etc.

Plus, well, I AM a night owl, so that helps. I’m also patient.