Maintenance Extended to 1:00 a.m. PDT in this Region

Hello this is Blissord letting you all know that the servers have unfortunately caught on fire due to someone lighting a ciggy in the server room and he flicked it and well… servers went BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt.


People had thousands upon thousands of materials stored in mail for leveling professions on their new race characters, leveling JC, etc. Marks are a drop in the bucket.

Also took me 5 tries to post this comment. Even the Classic forums are broken. GG Blizz.

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This is how they get back at us for lowering the cost of kloning from 35$ to 15$. Well played Blizzard.

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I’m pretty much done if we done get sub time compensation for this trash.

At least Blizzard met their diversity quota

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Remember when retards tried to cancel EM?

I see now. Wait for the working class to give up so the initial launch isnt crowded. Thanks for wasting our day. See you tomorrow after work. Pro tip: Extend your deadline from the start and try to improve on that. Delay after delay makes you all look like amateurs and paying customers feel duped.

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Lmfao lolololol

Told ya they will delay again, might as well announce it gonna be 24 hours maintenance to stop getting people hopes up

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You all should be ashamed of yourselves. This is actually pathetic.


Imagine if they just said we’ll be down for 24 hours instead of delaying every couple hours eyeroll


First, you have to prove intentional misleading. Good luck with that on tech issues. Second, again; the FTC regulates businesses.

I wish my D extended as much as you guys do


im sure you have that covered shilly XD

Or its been taking so long to get the game launched because they are trying to make sure every last mark stays in existence. My limited experience in game developement can’t possible lead me to believe it takes longer to delete the problem than keep it restored and functional.

I know I speak for the majority of data/db geeks here who have been in the situation of - this totally should work because we ran this before/tested it all; and then end up burning a day+ figuring out why it doesn’t all of a sudden when scaled - that we would Love a deep dive later about all the stuff that went down. This is a massive endeavor and, albeit stressful, a really cool learning experience and not something that is done often for the exact reason of .1% breaks the whole process and so forth.

Yes…it is what they are doing. Its late as hell. They know if they tell you another TWO hours, people are just going to get off. And waiting til the last 5 minutes to tell us its delayed again is beyond b.s.

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They knew way before the 3 minute warning that the system was still not going to be available.

That’s what stings here. Delays I can understand but waiting to announce it mere minutes before deadline? That’s a scumbag move. Totally in-line with Blizzard’s MO, unfortunately.


rofl UNPRECEDENTED levels of incompetence even for Blizzard!


Do NOT support this!

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This is what happens when idiots try to cheat the system. If you tried to cheat the system with mail, you only have yourself to blame.

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