Maintenance Extended to 1:00 a.m. PDT in this Region

“grats zugmeup!”

Because no matter when it launched, there was going to be extended maintenance. They were making series change to the servers, splitting between eras, and linking dead realms. There was no scenario or prep that would have avoided extended maintenance. Better to get the ugly work done now, than on 6/1.

Now the only script they have to run is activating the dark portal and stability testing in two weeks.

Patience is a virtue and I’m the most virtuous bastard you’ll ever meet.

  • Illidan Stormrage.

You should reward our dedicated patience by giving us an extra day of sub time you guys effectively wasted.


You realize he has zero influence on when the game releases right? He is literally a pr person amd that’s it.

Can we get one more week of pre-patch to make up for this? …Please?

Just pitiful. Like absolutely pathetic that you’re doing this many delays.

I work in live events and even the idea of delaying a significant amount is unacceptable. And people who are not on time are sent home.

If you said it’d be a 17 hour maintenance from the start I’d be fine.

But the fact you keep messing up and having to ask for more and more time is proof your team is bad and run horribly.

Instead of firing your broadcast team you should have had some them go to other departments and teach them what a schedule is.



hella gfuel in my case but i feel you

40 Blood Elf Monk18445
Patience is a virtue.

So is competence.

So disappointing. I feel bad for the people that took time off work even though you should already know how Activision blizzard is and to expect anything from them is just not smart at all.

I don’t know what kind of companies you give your business to, but I have literally never run into any company that does this. Even comcast shows up in their window. The doctor might be 30 minutes late but you show up and get service. If you run into companies that do this in your life you might want to start searching for others that provide a similar product because this isn’t and shouldn’t be the norm for a business.

This is what happens when you get rid of the real brains behind the game and all thats left are the corporate men pulling levers and pushing buttons thinking they can run the show.

Can’t wait to play! Keep up the hard work guys. Thank you for continuing through the night for everyone.

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have you guys ever heard of underpromise, overdeliver? it means you overestimate how long it will take, tell the customer that, and then they’ll be happy when they get it faster than they were expecting, if you give them a wishful timeframe and then it isn’t done, they will be super angry


I feel like I took my car to the shady mechanic guy and a flat tire turned into a new transmission turned into a blown head gasket. At least he didn’t try to sell me each part twice and call it deluxe, though.


Obviously. It was pretty easy to see that I implied that. I know he’s just the PR guy. And you do know what PR guys do, right? Other than provide PR and apologetics, they relay information back to those in charge. Again, something I also said (work on your reading comprehension)

garbage devs and company. to busy supporting BLM than actually working on the game. LM


We’ve just made the decision to keep realms offline for another two years while we work through further issues encountered in maintenance.

TBC and WOTLK pre-patch will be released simultaneously

We’re now estimating that we’ll complete this work by 12:00 Midnight PDT.

That’s 2:00 a.m. CDT, 3:00 a.m. EDT, 3:00 p.m. AWST, 5:00 p.m. AEST, and 7:00 p.m. NZST of May 19, 2023

Thank you very much for your continued patience and understanding.

Yep. I was going to boost a druid. Now I’m not even going to renew my sub.

I was upset with myself that I wasn’t that excited to play TBC again. I’ve played WoW since 2004. I am now reminded, again, why I don’t want to play an ActiviBlizz game ever again.