Maintenance Banner

There used to be a banner in the Blizzard Launcher that would have an estimated maintenance window message, or various other alerts for ongoing issues and expected resolutions. Mine has been missing for months across multiple systems. Did Blizz get rid of it, or am I just stupid and a setting was changed somewhere so it doesn’t show up on my account? If there is, I haven’t been able to find it (although I admit I didn’t look very hard).

Dunno, it’s right there on mine.


it’s there for me - sometimes i think if you leave your bnet launcher open while they push the banner out it may not show up until you exit and re-open your launcher

It is still there.

I’ve rebooted the system a number of times, closed and reopened. If it was just this system I’d say whatever, but its all my computers. Which is making me wonder if it’s an account setting somewhere, but I never play with those.

You have to go the World of Warcraft page at the top (where it has Diablo, Starcraft, WOW Classic, etc). It’s not on the “main” page where you first open the launcher.

Yep for me as well clear as day

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I kept wondering how I was missing them myself, then realized I was on the main Home page of my battlenet. I would just hover over the icon and play would pop up so no need to actually click on the icon. But once I clicked on the actual WOW icon I would see it. Hope that makes sense.

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It’s there on my launcher.

States 7 am to 11 am.

At least for now… lol

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Well, it’s not on mine, on the WoW page.

I got the PLAY button all lit up. There’s the big bad boss lady staring at me with an ad for the New Expansion.

I’m logged in.

But I don’t see anything about maintenance on this page.

On my app, the banner comes and goes intermittently. I should report it as a bug on the app forums but I don’t know how much good that will do.

Zero seeing they dont listen to the other bugs going on and been going on such as guild achievements coming up everytime people sign on lol been doing that for YEARS!

as for maintenance people should also have this site saved lol

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OOh, saved!

Thank you. I always forget about that page. lol

It is a different development team so they might listen but your example is one reason why I don’t bother.

I’ve posted about this as well. Still running Windows 7 which I’m sure is contributing to the problem. That said, even the weekly maintenance schedule page posted above doesn’t always show when the down time is extended. Like today, for example.

Mine is always there but it still says 12:00.