Also have this issue and its become quite a annoyance. grrr Hopefully the devs release a fix soon.
I figured this was not just a me issue.
This is why you come look on the forums, or google in my case, and see if your issue is already known.
Having the same issue. Would be nice to have an update on this.
I’ve been up for probably 3 to 4 hours and I’ve had session expire probably 5 times so far. It started being maybe a couple times a day and every day it’s becoming more often.
Started happening after the new launcher app updated. Its really annoying, hope they fix it.
Me too. Its annoying. An update would be appreciated.
Has been happening to me the last 2 days.
Well… two password resets in already due to the launcher logging me out. This is a quality of life thing that is really messing with me and my password managers. At least enable the launcher to save password…
Yep, having the same issue and cant seem to figure out how to stop it.
You reset your password each time?
If you’re having trouble remembering your passwords, I recommend keeping a physical book and writing down ones that cannot be saved. Resetting it each time it logs you out seems a bit silly.
(Apologies if that’s not the case but that’s how it comes across)
Looks like the new phone app is causing this. I recently updated it and this started. I found out by logging off the new bnet phone app stops this problem on the PC side.
Edit Upon further investigation, the phone apps location is coming up different from the PC app. Should be able to see location settings by logging in to bnet on a web browser. It’s probably logging off the newest instance of bnet starting up.
It started happening to me like two days ago. I get booted randomly and then I have to log in manually every time this happens. I also have it enabled so the launcher opens automatically after system start, that doesn’t happen anymore, it throws some error and promts me to log manually again.
Same here, started up 2 days ago or so and every morning I have to log back in. It never did this and I could be good for months, even with reboots, it would always keep me logged in or log me in automatically after reboot. Now I come down and at some point through the night it signs me out with this “Session has expired” message. Really really annoying!
+1 this is happening to me multiple times per day. Seriously frustrating.
We are attempting to track down the source of this issue. logs would assist our team track down and resolve this issue faster. If anyone impacted by error BLZBNTBGS80000023 (47) could please collect their logs following the steps Here. Attach the logs to an Email then Email us from your registered Email address to:
Subject: BLZBNTBGS80000023
This will help our team greatly! Thank you.
just wanted to add on top of having this same error it eventually stopped accepting my log in information completely and I was forced to change my password despite there being no suspicious activity on my account. hoping you guys get this fixed soon.
I also had to reset my password because eventually it said my log in information was incorrect (wasn’t hacked, the only email I got telling me about a password change was when I changed it)
Every day, blizzard you need to fix this, for real.
This is getting really annoying. Plz fix asap…
For whatever reason, its too large of a file to send via email. I’m getting an unable to deliver to the email address provided. I’ve verified i can send this file to myself without issue.