I am having the same exactissue. Do you have an nvidia GT540M graphics card?
I’m getting the same error about the 3D acceleration. If I try to run in capability mode, I hear sound and see the curser but nothing else. I’ve done all the troubleshooting I’ve seen so far, repair, uninstall and reinstall, uninstall graphics card drives and re-install.
I am having this exact issue as well. Have been searching across the internet and trying every solution I can find with no success.
My card is NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M and Intel® HD Graphics 3000.
We really need someone in the forums to take this to the devs - would we have to open a ticket for that purpose?
They definitely tweaked something in the client this last patch which is causing these issues.
Someone on another thread advised (2nd link below) that it was a troublesome Windows 10 update, but I checked the KB number that he referenced and I didn’t even have that update installed.
I first described the issue in this thread:
I marked it as solved, only to find out the next day that the error returns every time I reboot, requiring me to reinstall the same gfx drivers over and over again.
In this thread I describe in a reply to OP, the compounded problem, which includes overheating - a problem I did NOT have before the client was updated on 3/10/2020.
If I reinstall the drivers, get WoW to run without the “3D Acceleration” error, then I play for ~10-30min, eventually my computer shuts off due to excessive temperature and I have to spend another 10min reinstalling graphics card drivers.
When I first posted about this issue, noting it was obviously caused by the 3/10 update, I was shocked not to find any similar complaints, but now I see I am not alone and this problem is probably under-reported.
My ability to raid with my guild was crippled by this client update, and it has seriously caused me to consider unsubscribing permanently because I cannot afford a new computer and probably won’t be able to for a long time.
I am going to attempt to uninstall Windows 10, revert to Windows 7, which was the OS this laptop was packaged with and also the only OS supported by the laptop vendor’s driver releases (as opposed to NVIDIA’s).
I’m going to try to keep documenting any potential working solutions on these forum, and I suggest everyone do the same.
Hey Jerzobek,
We are actually trying to gather examples of the Nvidia 500 series cards encountering this error. I’ll add your info to our tracking for this.
If anyone else has this same error and is using a Nvidia 500 series GPU, please post a DxDiag so we can add you to our tracking as well.
Make sure to put 3 of the ~ marks above the data so it puts it in a block. You may also put the 3 ~ marks below it if you need to type under the diag post as well.
Should look like this after posting it.
Edit: Also moved this to a new thread since it was different issue than the original post. (Same error message, but different cause.)
Hi Guys,
Ever since the update yesterday my desktop keeps crashing and I am getting a black screen after a few minutes of just walking around in the world. I have to wait and then my computer either restarts itself or I have to manually turn it back on. I have tried lowering the graphic settings, disabling addons, updating my drivers, and uninstalling and reinstalling. Is there anything else I should try/do? Or does my laptop just suck…
Thanks for your time!
Yeah, I really hope someone takes these graphical issues to the devs, because something has definitely changed in the classic client.
They may not have realized it in testing because they run super-high-end PCs, but those of us without similar means are feeling the consequences.
First I had the “Unable to Start 3D Acceleration” error, which means now I have to reinstall my graphics card drivers every time I reboot for some reason.
But wait… there’s more! Now for some reason running the game causes my computer to overheat and shutdown after like 5 minutes standing around at the auction house (for example).
It sounds like you may be having a similar overheating issue?
And no, I don’t think this should be our fault for having low-end computers, because graphically this game is “15 years old.” Not sure how I’m going to raid tonight with the guild…
I am getting the same error. I submitted a ticket and got the same advice to use a program to uninstall the drivers, then to reinstall the specfic driver they linked. The fix worked! It was great… for that night. Although my computer did seem to be working extra hard, fan roaring an pushing out alot of heat. Today when logging on the same 3d error is back. I don’t feel like going through the whole driver reinstall process everyday. Will probably just unsubscribe until next winter and hope it gets resolved by then.
As a side note, since Windows updates on Tuesdays as well - KB4535996 is showing lots of issues, and it may be worth uninstalling it to test, if you have it installed.
" Slowdowns
Windows 10 stutters, dropped frame rates (primarily in games), high disk usage and thrashing have also all been reported.
“It’s not extreme, but I say my framerate in games has gone down 10 frames or so and stuttering occurs once in a while,” wrote one user on Reddit. “After uninstalling the cumulative update, everything was fine. Weird.”
“Can confirm. Ramped up my CPU usage and caused stuttering even on the easiest games to run,” - source
“After I installed the update the disk usage in task manager is 100% all the time, and my pc is slow af now!” - source"
Had to completely bypass the normal Blizzard log in system this morning. Had to delete WTF, Cache, and Interface folders to get the game to start. Had to use the game launcher, inside the Classic folder to get to the log in page. Once I got in game, had to reset my graphic and sound settings. When I try to reset the Game Window to Window setting, the screen resizes 3 times in about a second, and I get the message “World of Warcraft cannot start 3D acceleration” and the game crashes me back to the desktop.
Noticed a few similar threads so I squished them together. We’re collecting info on these errors. If you are affected by this error in WOW Classic please view the above quote for information on what to provide.
I will try to post the data later. I also have a 500 series Nvidia. I believe it’s the 540.
NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M
NVIDIA Geforce GT525M
We saw someone with NVS 4200 and Intel 3000 graphics with this issue as well. Are we sure the issue isn’t the Intel 3000 graphics?
Thank you for your reports! We have received an update on this situation and our team is looking into this issue. For the time being, switching to the integrated graphics should workaround the issue. Please try the following steps:
- Launch NVIDIA Control Panel
Right-click on the NVIDIA Settings system tray icon or right-click on the desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel. - Select Manage 3D settings (under 3D Settings).
- Select the Program Settings tab.
- Click on Add.
- Select World of Warcraft from the list.
Make sure to hover over the program to verify the location ends with wowclassic.exe. If World of Warcraft is not listed, select Browse and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_classic_\ and select WowClassic. - Click Add Selected Program at the bottom.
- Select the preferred graphics processor for this program: Integrated graphics.
- Click Apply at the bottom.
Has anyone’s Classic ran stabily using this method? During my ticket with this issue I had mentioned it would launch running on integrated graphics but would crash shortly after, creating the classicexe to desktop auto selects integrated graphics so they were telling me that would work but it doesn’t, even with the NVidia GPU preferred in the NVidia 3D settings. 540M here, between Blizz and NVidia we have troubleshot every method, the game ran fine in January and my main PC crashed so I picked up the laptop, it unfortunately can’t run classic because of this issue.
It’s worked for some players but it’s very much considered a work around. While we have no ETA on a fix for this particular issue, it’s on our radar at any rate. Let us know if it works for you if you test it.
3 posts were split to a new topic: Beavers - 3D Acceleration