Update: I attempted to uninstall the game from Windows, but it said I can only uninstall from the launcher. So I tried uninstalling from the launcher. I kept running into a loop where it said I can’t uninstall retail because Classic is doing an update. I can’t uninstall Classic because Classic BC is doing an update. I can’t uninstall Classic BC because retail is doing an update.
I just kept cycling through and clicking until one of them started an uninstall. Then I was able to uninstall all the games. Or at least, it said it was uninstalling. When I tried to reinstall, nothing would install. BUT, when I looked on my drive, I saw that all the original files and folders were still there. Nothing had truly been uninstalled.
My sister suggested I try downloading directly from the website. So I attempted that, but it just started up the launcher and put me back in the infinite update loop. Even when I try to start the game by bypassing the launcher and using the executable file, nothing happens. At this point, I can think of nothing else to try. This is a problem that needs to be fixed on Blizzard’s end.