[Main Thread] Mac Addons Broken Since 10.2.5 - Jan 16th 2024

It always perplexes me when this happens (like targeting reticles in 10.1) that not a single dev has a mac? not 1?


Or (and I know this may be shocking), no one at Blizz uses AddOns (as they build the game to be played without AddOns). Now QA should have caught this, but again not every single AddOn was affected, so it’s one of those things of how many AddOns should they test?

The extremely popular and widely used addons is where I would start. Put me on the QA team.


Looking at the ones that it is affecting for me, I wouldn’t consider any of them “extremely” popular lol. Though I hear it affected ElvUI (no clue, I like control, hence why I have like 100 AddOns, most of them pretty obscure).

ElvUI, Bartender, Bagnon, etc are all down. Those are some pretty major ones.

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Yeah ElvUI, I believe details, bagnon, and bartender all broked. I would argue that 50%+ of the playerbase uses either ElvUI or Bartender.


Weird, Bartender4 wasn’t one of the addons affected by this bug for me. Nor Details. I can’t speak for bagnon.

ElvUI is definitely broke, Details seems to be working fine, but Bagnon exhibited a strange behavior. On some characters (not all), I encountered some weird issue where the frame would display but the contents of my bags would not. I disabled bagnon and cleaned out my bags then when I re-enabled bagnon it was working fine.

All that aside, this is quite ridiculous that it’s taking this long to get a hot-fix out.

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Considering the scope it sure seems like it, but not knowing what percentage of the user base is on a Mac (I have 2 PCs and a Mac, I just have stayed on the PCs since 10.2.5 came out), it may only be affecting a super small percentage of the user base, and not warrantying a “stop the presses and issue a hotfix” response like we would like.

Yes it is “warrantying” a hotfix as people can’t play, just Blizzards not spending money on proper support for Mac (Windows sucks also, especially if you got an AMD GPU). For a game with this kind a revenue and loyal player base I would like to see better.


I’m not disagreeing with you, however being realistic, since I don’t have the numbers (Blizzard does), I can’t state with anything short of a rectally derived number what percentage of the player base is on a Mac. Is it 0.1%? 1%? 10%? Who knows, but if it’s small enough, there is no way any company is going to push a hotfix. There is always a risk of things going wrong when you do a hotfix (or even a patch for that matter, hence the 8 hour window they gave us yesterday), and if the amount affected doesn’t justify the risk, they won’t take it. And I’m certain that’s what we’re seeing here. Yes we’re loud, yes we’re upset, but my estimate is we are a very small percent of the entire player base.

once again Blizz shows us that they don’t actually care ab the user just ab pushing updates according to the schedule

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I believe roughly 10% of the player base are Mac users, in my estimation. Might be anywhere from 5-15% though.

So exactly which API call is broken? Is it just one or multiple calls?

I think Omegal mentioned this, but it would have to be a Client-side push of a updated executable to patch.

Is this just Apple Silicon that is affected? Or are Intel Macs affected as well?

Just my thoughts…


I can’t speak for Blizzard’s numbers, but based on other sources, Mac gamers make up 1.5% of the player base. I highly doubt Blizzard’s numbers are 10x that. But again as was mentioned, we don’t know, only Blizzard does.

As for the LUA function, I put a link to the Bug Report I filed yesterday a few posts back now, it’s a call called LocalizedClassList() that is used to populate two CONSTANT tables (LOCALIZED_CLASS_NAMES_MALE and LOCALIZED_CLASS_NAMES_FEMALE). These tables are used by a lot of addons to display the proper class name in a generic way (instead of having to create localizations for every class themselves, they just rely on Blizzard to do that for them, and to handle Male vs Female differences).

As far as I know, it’s affecting both Intel and ARM64 Mac’s at the moment (I only have a ARM64 Mac to test with though).

Still broken here. All I can tell on my end is that Elvui is main one I’m having issues with. Was going to check auctions for a bit but since my whole UI is reverted back to base game, I will just wait. I hope they send out a fix soon. This reminds me of in BFA when a huge amount of Mac users (including myself) had a completely unplayable game.

@Kershew any updates on when we might see the fix for this? Please keep us updated when possible. Thank you.

10.3 if I were a betting man

+1 for issues with Elvui, most everything else is working.
Sounds like it’s fixed but we have to wait for bulk hotfix deployment.

Thanks Omegal for helping out the Mac Community.

Is there any update on this?

I play on a Mac mini M2 Pro chip and my addons like ElvUI aren’t working.

I know I can play the game without addons, but I’ve spent 15 years curating my UI and gaming experience. I don’t have time or energy to start over with the Blizzard UI.

Please fix this soon so we can get back to the game we love.


+1 for add-on issues since 10.2.5 patch

MacBook Pro
M3 Max
Sonoma 14.2.1