About every other battle I start, it auto d/c me right off the bat. I have even disabled all add-ons. I’m trying to work on safari achievements and it’s exhausting.
Hi Vesphira
Addons - even while disabled can cause issue. This has the looks of a addon issue. Try a full UI reset as a test. You can return your original settings afterwards.
As I mentioned this is a test. If it doesn’t help simply remove the OLD from your original folders then delete the new folders the game installed. This will return your original settings
I haven’t seen other reports of this on the Tech forum. Checked the Bug forum as well.
I am having the same problem. Did the interface reset with no change.
It makes no sense, but this seems to only impact Demon Hunters. Tried a druid and a DH on one server, DK and DH on a different server/faction. No problems at all on the druid or DK. Both DHs repeatedly get disconnected every 1-3 battles…
Also having the same problem. Playing Demon Hunter and I get disconnected at start of every couple of pet battles.
Hi Folks
I would make a report over on the Bug forum if you haven’t already. Looks like you may have found one. Here is the link:
Thanks Tratt.
I made a post about this on the Bug Report forum.
Just wanted to add that we’re aware of some issues with pet battles. It seems to be when it transitions into the mode for pet battle that the disconnection occurs. Our team is looking into this and attempting to reproduce the issue.
Thanks for reporting it. I have been doing heaps of pet battles last week and only on my Demon Hunter do I get disconects when I start the battle. All other 11 classes are fine.
its not an add-on issue. ENtire raids getting D/C after a wipe in LFG. Both the glitched out boss’s and non glitched out boss’s. Gotta love a rushed pre patch
I am having the same issue but its only when i start a pet battle with a dh that is mounted.
I can’t access my 1400+ pets at all now, what is going on? I assume this is related to the pet battle issues?
grrr, apparently I had to re-learn the pet battle ability in Stormwind to see my pets. WTF.
I am having this issue as well. It ONLY occurs on my demon hunter.
Also, on Demon Hunter and is first time having the issue.
OMG when you mentioned “only my DH…” im like YESSS! I too have issues with disconnects when i initiate a pet battle but is isolated to my Demon hunter.
Another mounted, pet-battling, demon hunter chiming in with this issue.
I have had this issue recently on my DH and today (12/24) on my druid.
This is still happening.
November 2022 , no addons - totally vanilla setup and still getting D/C at start of pet battles rather consistently to the point of annoyance. Been in many different zones and timelines and still happens.