[Main Thread] Crashes on launch after maintenance Jan 24th

Same here. Tried everything on the forums.

The only weird thing I haven’t tried was opening my account on a PC. Somewhere someone said that worked for them. But that was from a different patch where Mac users were have the same issue.

Although, this is strange, I am logged in here as a character I have not used in ages and in a guild I was never in. Perhaps that weirdness has something to do with this.

I Started in SAFE MODE on my MacBook and got a new error message. I"ve already sent it in with a screen grab. Its about the 3D card:
"Your 3D accelerator card is not supported by World of Warcraft. For more information please see http… support…World of Warcraft requirements.:

add me to the list

Same here. Interestingly, WotLK Classic launches and plays just fine. Only retail crashes.

Same here…WotLK works fine, but retail is crashing at every attempt. I’m on Mac (Big Sur).

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Frustrated. Seems like no one really cares if we can’t connect. Sad.


did all the things to try and fix it and still cannot open the game.

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I am on day #4 of not being able to launch the game. Submitted many error codes, restarted, uninstalled game, reinstalled game, anything I could think of. I use a mac mini, everything up to date and was working beautifully until the update on 1/24/2023.

is this some kind of sick sadistic way of forcing mac users into playing WOTLK classic? YOU’RE A MONSTER ARTHAS! I blame the lich king.

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Same issue since the patch came out.

guess all mac users are having the same problem so please fix it asap 5 days with out playing

Since we never get refunds for massive unavailability issues with this game, and issues like this take up to a week, I think anyone affected that may be paying 6 mo -12 mo subs should (believe me I am) go back to monthly. They don’t like that, but they never compensate for these outages. There really is no other way besides quitting the game altogether.

Workaround fix:
Updated my mac’s OS to 12.6.3 and it resolved the crash


  1. Click on the ‘Apple’ in the top left of your desktop
  2. Click on ‘About this mac’
  3. In the overview tab, click on the ‘software update’ button
  4. Update OS to 12.6.3

Although that’s good information, most Mac users keep their systems up to date. I downloaded Monterey OS 12.6.3 on Monday the 23rd. Tues the 24th the game would not launch. I uninstalled and reinstalled everything I could think of , scan and repairs too. I’m on day #5 of not being able to launch the game. I’ve been sending in every error code I get, and still nothing. WOW has had an update every day since the 24th and none have helped. The only other step is for me to go out and buy a PC which I can’t afford.

How can I play WOTLK classic when I can’t even launch the game. And I do play classic when I get bored with retail so that doesn’t solve anything. I’m on day #5 waiting for them to actually do something and fix their problem.

WOW Live continues to crash when attempting to play on an iMac. WOW Live didn’t crash or have any problems pre-patch
OS Big Sur
4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4 GB

WOW classic & WOW Lich King Classic function without issue

WOW Live on M1 laptop running Big Sur doesn’t crash

Can a Blizzard agent read this please

Not a Blizz agent but a lot of people are having this problem without a fix yet. [Main Thread] Crashes on launch after maintenance Jan 24th - #1125 by Durtdor-mankrik

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Just to provide an update. Work is ongoing to address the Mac Crashes we are seeing. Still no ETA on a complete fix but some smaller fixes have already gone out. There are several specific issues that all hit with this patch.

General issues with OSX 12
Intel specific issues across Mac OSX versions
AMD specific issues on OSX 11

In most cases for the OSX12 and AMD specific cases, if you are able to update, the issue should be resolved for you.

Outside of that it would be a matter of waiting for additional fixes if you are still experiencing the crashing at launch.

If your issue is not a direct crash at launch then this thread does not cover your specific troubles and it is best to either find another currently active post with your issue or to make a new post with your issue.

We will continue to update this thread as new information becomes available.


Nothing is repaired. No add ons here. All updates, scans repairs done. The main problem is the update blizz did on the 24th. I have read the forums and every mac user is stating this. When I participated in the beta program for DF. The same thing would happen. Hopes this assists you on finding the code that has made this adjustment faster. Thank you for your time.

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So am I going to get a game time refund while I continue to wait for additional fixes?