[Main Thread] Crashes on launch after maintenance Jan 24th

Casp, do you have AMD GPU on Bigsur 11.7?

Theyve already mentioned that AMD GPUā€™s are not functional until Tuesday.


Been watching the thread all week and was giving the team the benefit of the doubt but the confirmation that nobody smoke-tested Mac software and that the team actually consists of one part-time guy is insane lol. They hot-fixed one version of MacOS and clocked out till Tuesday. Blizzard didnā€™t offer the guy overtime to fix this over the weekend or stay late, what a joke.

Wow, the fix works for me.

Yeah, I thanked them because I know what itā€™s like to be on the receiving end of being yelled at by customers because something didnā€™t go as planned. When youā€™ve acknowledged the problem and are actively working to fix it and keep getting yelled at, it just continues to make an already bad situation worse. Itā€™s certainly not a motivator for getting the problem fixed. Nor is it a motivator to come on here and blue post and communicate.

Saying thanks doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not frustrated with the situation. I certainly am. Iā€™m in the Big Sur AMD camp. I still canā€™t play based on tonightā€™s fix unless I interrupt my work and spend the weekend backing up and upgrading. But Iā€™m glad they have finally figured out the issue and arenā€™t just throwing Mac out the window altogether.


I did the update and progress has been made, but itā€™s not all the way fixed. A Blizzard video/trailer starts to play, but if I press any buttons while itā€™s playing, it crashes.

Woot! I am backā€¦ dang, time to get some rest LOL. Well soon!!!

Anything to make a buck these days :unamused:

Yes, I see that. Thank you.

I watched more of the video/trailer- looks like itā€™s the opening for Dragonflight- but if you press any keys while itā€™s playing, WoW crashes

Thanks for this info, Omegal!

Itā€™s not fixed for everyone yet. I know Big Sur is still having issues. Omegal said something about restarting the computer to clear out a corrupted cache. If that doesnā€™t work for you then you are probably in the ā€œwait until Tuesdayā€ camp.

Lol I guess Iā€™m waiting till Tuesday. Sucks that I missed out on a lot this week.

So, it has been stablished that it isnā€™t our fault, so what now? What kind of compensation will be given? very least the subscription daysā€¦


I understand how hard it must be to try and fix all these issues and Iā€™m confident that we will eventually have the fix. That being said, Seeing as Tuesday will mark a full week of inaccessibility. It raises some questions like; What will happen to our vault gear? our Mythic + Keys? Our in game Mail? I want to be understanding and supportive here but Iā€™m also frustrated to have lost 7 days of Game time for nothing.


Mac users this really is proof that you either need a new PC or to drop the game. They canā€™t even pay for a guy to work full time, one guy one salary. They did a fix for one OS and didnā€™t bother to test the rest. If you tallied up the yearly value of subs for everybody in this thread and Iā€™m sure the 5x that havenā€™t commented, itā€™s not worth it to them. Not enough for them to pay somebody to skip brunch tomorrow to get a patch in that they know the fix for.


Big Sur 11.7.3
Intel Iris Pro GPU
Quad-Core Intel Core i7

Rebooted and relaunched BNET. No update.

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Yeah! Working for me 10.15 Catalina OS X

Thnxs<\b> dude!

Mine finally loaded. Dev team, thank you. We all know this is not your fault. Please crack a cold one tonight.

Got an update from Blizz @ 23:15 Montreal time ā€¦

The patch is good ā€¦ i am back in the game with my MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012)
and Catalina 10.15.7
Thanks Blizz
4 days of game time lost :frowning:

I went to bed after a successful login, But this morning i saw an update being installed ā€¦ Wait for the installation to proceed, try a login using Bnet and it crash again :frowning:

What did happen Blizz ?

A new patch just got in ā€¦ (10:20 Eastern time) I works again :slight_smile: