[Main Thread] Crashes on launch after maintenance Jan 24th

get a new battery, i got one last year, much better :]

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Ok. Well many, many others are saying that he gave them information that made sense and was finally an answer. So for some he had information they didnā€™t. For others I guess they already knew everything he said and it wasnā€™t helpful. Sorry

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Can I install that myself?

Still having issues with crashes. Come on blizz, I paid for my sub already. Refunds?


yes super easy, thereā€™s YouTube videos of it.

Make/Model of the system: iMac 27 inch. 2020
Processor: 3,6 GHz Intel Core i9 10 cores
GPU: AMD Radeon Pro 5700 XT 16 G
OS Version: Big Sur 11.7.3

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Iā€™ve had the same issue. And Iā€™ve updated everything on my Mac.

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Im getting error BLZ519000002 on my MacBook. I sent a report in from my mac mini.

Thankfully, I can still play Classic Lich King.

is anybody out there at Blizz working on this?

Iā€™m second guessing why Iā€™ve stuck with this company and this game so long. I love the game, but I feel jaded. The motivation and excitement I had Tuesday morning has been replaced with lingering disappointment. My subscription renewed and is just being wasted. Meanwhile weā€™re missing out on all the daily rewards, reputation, vault, lunar festival, etc. More communication would go a long way, and some kind of compensation wouldnā€™t hurt either.


Imagine having just paid for a 12 month subscription.


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Check the charger first to make sure it putting out enough.
It has to give you enough power to run the computer plus charge

try that app

My wife let me try her brand new M2 MacBook Air last night and I have to say, the game loaded but didnā€™t run or look great. Graphics 3 is where it performed best so donā€™t expect these new M Macā€™s to be amazing with WoW. But hey, I got my weekly done and opened my vault

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Joining the party here after three days of lurkingā€¦

Make/Model of the system: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13 inch, early 2015)
Processor: 2.7 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5
GPU: Intel Iris Graphics 6100 1536 MB
OS Version: Big Sur 11.7.2

Iā€™m apparently eligible to upgrade to Monterey, but I am holding off on that for now. Prior OS updates to older systems have left me with systems that run sluggishly, and Iā€™m reluctant to take the chance.

My experience trying to use WoW since the patch has been weird. Launching from Battle.net usually takes me quickly to the login screen and then to characters. But when I try to log in to a character, the loading screen slows to a crawl. After a minute, it WILL take me to the game, but itā€™s unplayable. I usually get around 1-2 minutes of frozen screen, UI elements dropping out and reappearing, background graphics disappearing, and maybe five seconds of being able to control my character. Then it crashes.

On the bright side, seeing a version of Stormwind that consists of nothing but cobblestones and Lunar Festival lanterns strung in mid-air is pretty spooky.

Have you tried getting an external SSD and moving the WoW installation to that? Apparently thatā€™s a huge issue causing the slow load times and delayed appearance of objects in the game.

I just got WoW to play on my MacBook by reinstalling the launcher.

I hope this helps at least some of you!


I recently purchased a 256GB flash drive for like $25 and before 10.0.5 WoW ran amazingly faster

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Thank you for the advice, Iā€™ll do. The only reason I havenā€™t is because I was thinking about getting a new system. Let me ask you, do you have only wow on the ssd or did you put the whole os on it?

How does one reinstall the launcher? Do you mean battlenet?

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I just have wow on my SSD

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