[Main Thread] Crashes on launch after maintenance Jan 24th

Haha good one! You know what you did. Reverse it or take it out. Then work on a fix.

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This is so sad


Did we get any response from the gms? I want to play :frowning:

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What’s the worst is monitoring this forum. How do we get an automated alert when stuff is fixed?


I just unsubscribed. I might come back if this gets fixed quickly. But seeing that MacOS is not supported on any upcoming titles makes me think this may be the last Mac “friendly” expac for WoW.


You gonna re-up for 6 months tomorrow morning. Let’s not kid ourselves.


Have we made any progress at all? Any sign that someone is working on this besides the generic replies days ago?

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We’ve basically been told to go **** ourselves, because they can’t live up to their own specifications, while they look to accuse everyone but themselves for their poor conduct in resolving the issue they instantiated in the first place.


we told them the problem, but the mac dev is busy on vacation in cuba… no one else in that office knows what to do…

Im with you on that

Those new Mac minis are looking pretty cheap


sad no ones listen to the Mac users

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Not just a Mac issue, PC here, get to select toon- big blue bar get to end of bar crash everything is updated.
day 3.
How to fix look at whatever you changed on your log in, from last patch to this patch. Cause you changed something, every other game is working fine.
Sadness- no trout for you

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Click the Blizz button, also see the green written script, looks like we have a fix, but most likely will be a few days.

Same here… hope they fix this soon.
So aggravating

Wanted to thank blizzard for this new and refreshing experience of paying 15$ a month for an unplayable game.


Best Post award.

Man the last time this happened it took them 7 days to fix the issue.


Had a comment on here it was seen by a blizzard staff member - I was “silenced” (24 hour ban) as that member deemed it was against their code of conduct. (Not mad at the response by blizzard as I used the F word, so, fair.)

My issue here is that THEY HAVE SOMEONE MONITORING THIS FORUM AND ARE NOT GIVING UPDATES. (“We are aware of the issue” - is not an update)

S/O to Omegal who has given us some insight but as he stated… he does not work at blizzard… yet is giving more blizzard updates … then blizzard…

In the passed week blizzard has received my my money for a 6 month sub, nerfed both my classes into the floorboards, and put out a patch that will not run on my computer (effectively taking me back a whole week, atleast, because I won’t have time to fill my vault boxes as I play on weeknights)

pounds fist on desk
ends useless rant


im glad I found this. I’ve been having the exact same problem and for the life of me can’t figure out what is up. really happy to see I’m not the only one having this problem