[Main Thread] Crashes on launch after maintenance Jan 24th

i mean, they did post this morning…


Make/Model of the system: MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch, mid 2014
Processor: 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Cort i7
GPU: Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB
OS Version: macOS Big Sur V11.7.1

my Mac is old, however it is a retired movie audio and video editing computer and still can compete with modern computers.

I was silenced also.

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from the forum, or in game?

Hello, I hope this problem doesn’t last long since we are too many people who are experiencing the same thing, you can only hope for the best and contribute with everything you can so as not to aggravate the problem and offer our help to blizzard in everything that is can

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“We do not have any new information to share regarding the technical cause of the crash, but it is still under investigation and being worked on.”

I mean if that’s what you call an update on day 3 of your game not working for an entire sector of your player base… all they basically said was “yeah we know, but we don’t know what’s wrong, go try downloading a new operating system that is far above our minimum specs, if that doesn’t work then, Idk what to tell ya for now”


I have a slightly different error:

1/26 14:52:53.714 Invalid: newRenderPipelineState Failed: Error Domain=CompilerError Code=1 "

Function _main is using language version 2.3 which is incompatible with this OS.

" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Function _main is using language version 2.3 which is incompatible with this OS.} (Prism:0x00000000)

1/26 14:52:51.836 LogOpen
1/26 14:52:51.836 World of Warcraft Retail x86_64
1/26 14:52:51.836 macOS 10.15.7 (19H2026) x86_64
1/26 14:52:51.836
1/26 14:52:51.836 Intel(R) Core™ i7-3720QM CPU @ 2.60GHz | Sockets:1 Cores:4 Threads:8
1/26 14:52:51.836 16.0 GB System Memory
1/26 14:52:51.836 On AC Power - Battery Present (98%)
1/26 14:52:51.848 Adapter 0: “NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M” family:Unknown type:Discrete vendor:0x10de device:0x0fd5 driver(0x0) location:1
1/26 14:52:51.848 Monitor 0 “(null)” Size(1440x900) Pos(0, 0)
1/26 14:52:51.848 Adapter 1: “Intel HD Graphics 4000” family:Gen6 type:Integrated vendor:0x8086 device:0x0166 driver(0x0) location:0
1/26 14:52:51.848 Monitor 0 “(null)” Size(1440x900) Pos(0, 0)
1/26 14:52:51.865 GxDevice::NotifyOnDisplayChange: 0
1/26 14:52:51.900 Choosing gpu with monitor attached: “NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M”
1/26 14:52:53.692 Error Loading Shader: 3186452
1/26 14:52:53.711 NotifyOnDeviceCreate
1/26 14:52:53.714 Invalid: newRenderPipelineState Failed: Error Domain=CompilerError Code=1 “Function _main is using language version 2.3 which is incompatible with this OS.” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Function _main is using language version 2.3 which is incompatible with this OS.} (Prism:0x00000000)
1/26 14:52:53.714 Invalid: CreateRenderPipeline failed: VS: 2978021(0) PS: 2977525(0) (Prism:0x00000000)
1/26 14:52:53.714 Metal Legacy Device Create Successful
1/26 14:52:53.714 Using shader family mtl_1_1
1/26 14:52:53.714 No
1/26 14:52:53.714 Detected Graphics Defaults: 2 (CPU = 3, GPU = 2, MEM = 7) WindowSize: 1440x900
1/26 14:52:53.808 Render Settings Changed. New Render Size: 1440x900
1/26 14:52:55.336 Render Settings Changed
1/26 14:52:55.338 Device context was lost. Attempting recovery. Occurrence: 1
1/26 14:52:55.379 GxRestart
1/26 14:52:55.379 Metal Device Destroy
1/26 14:52:55.379 NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
1/26 14:52:55.468 Crash Summary: ERROR #134 (0x85100086)


forum…I used a f acro

new update, same error: C40A255B-4D2B-4314-A656-E1ECFE924419

So Blizz tells us to upgrade to at least 10.15.7 (which is as high as my iMac can upgrade to) with the release of the pre-patch. Two patches later it’s “too bad, so sad…thanks for the 12 month sub you just bought.”


Gotta love to feeling of just absolute neglect day in and day out…but glad they getting these hotfixes out lol


iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013)
Processor 2.7GHz QUadcore INtelcore I5
Memory 16GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics Intel Iris Pro 1536MB

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Well I am at 10.15.7 and it doesn’t work so you are fine :slight_smile:

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We’ve all been silenced from the game :thinking:

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anyone know when the mac guys back from vacation? do we get to play at all this month?


yeah… me one to many times lol, that’s why i was hoping when i get silenced from here for calling them clowns it wont affect me in game xD

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Make/Model of the system: iMac (Retina 5k, 27-inch, 2020)
Processor: 3.8 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i7
GPU: AMD Radeon Pro 5700XT 16 GB
OS Version: 11.7.2 Big Sur

I was silenced and didnt use actual profanity…not a good look from Blizzard imo.

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Thanks for helping out with this! A bit disappointing as a long-term Mac user we’re going to be seeing this happening more and more, but I guess all I can do is roll my eyes and go “Welp, corporate America!”

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ERROR 132 is an 10+yo error (there is a yt video older than 10y) that keeps appearing mostly when they do updates like this one or the one that unlocked flying in Shadowlands and they “solved it” the next week…
it isn’t a “mac only problem” as it has nothing to do with the OS, nor with the hardware as proven by people with all kind of specs having the same error. The fact that they are asking for pc specs shows they are buying time while blaming it on the customers making people think is their fault (software or hardware) while they know the problem is CLIENT-SERVER that affects randomly people, having no particular cause, they don’t know how to fix it despite the error having 10+yo and don’t want to tell people they have to wait till next week for it to get “solved”
I propose if you take a week of our money you should compensate it with a Mount or Item (one that can be dropped not bought) depending on what the user wants… that will do it for me