[Main Thread] Crashes on launch after maintenance Jan 24th

I can confirm upgrading from Catalina to Monterey fixed the issue for me.

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017)
3.1 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3
Radeon Pro 560 4 GB

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Still sounds like it’s a Blizzard/Activision issue not Apple. That’s all I’m saying. At the end of the day they are the ones I pay to receive service, not Apple or Windows. I’m not knocking them for this problem, but this is unpreparedness is becoming a regular occurrence and it’s the paying subscribers that (literally) are paying for this issue.


You likely never will, unless microsoft acquisition succeeds. Not sure how plainer I can say this. Activision Blizzard King (ABK) gives nothing about mac support, period. That’s it, that’s the bottom line. the mac support you do get is only on existing products that had it prior to ABK putting boot on necks of blizzard, but they still gutted it down to next to nothing.

  • No future products are coming to mac OS, period.
  • Existing products will continue to have degraded quality.
  • Support will be slower and slower as ABK also considers lots of CS is also redundant and not according to maximizing profits.
  • Even windows users are seeing degraded quality with increased pressure to release things earlier and earlier and more rushed/crunched.

TL/DR, ABK is ruining the blizzared we knew that used to believe in these principles (that are now LONG gone)
“When it’s done”
“For everyone”

Our literal only hope is microsoft, which does have a much better corperate control/freedom that could let blizzard be the blizzard we once knew. Until/if that happens, you won’t stop hearing excuses or bad news. But there are devs and CS and even us tech mvps that do best we can to at least do as much as we can, under these conditions that ABK have created.


CPU 4Ghz quad core i7
AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4 GB
Big Sur

Even Apple doesn’t know what will happen when you upgrade. I’ve experienced too many times where you upgrade the OS and then important apps are not supported. I’d wait… but it’s just me.

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Screw ABK, crooks.

Yep, I own a production studio and have 10’s of thousands of dollars in software that I use… No way in hell am I going to upgrade an OS that is working for all my programs just so I can play WoW.


Excuses aside that caused issue, and slow fix of it, it will be fixed. I can’t say when, but it will be fixed. No need to buy new macs, or rush to upgrade productive environments that rely on older software still, just wait til it’s fixed.

But I still say those that aren’t relying on 32 bit software or other reasons to stay on old OSes, would be better served updating macOS to avoid this and likely future interruptions.


Finally, some info that makes sense! Someone broke something!
I have Monterey installer downloaded, but have seen that updating does not help everybody. I’m running Catalina and would like to keep running that for some legacy software.
Seriously, I appreciate your post, Omegal.


If they don’t care about MacOS then why include them in the patch install requirements? This is dipping a toe into “bait and switch” tactics, especially after a campaign on two year subscriptions. Windows merger being the only hope for ABK is signaling anti-trust and caused SEC to step in and pump the breaks on a deal. But this is all off topic. Bottom line is there was a problem with this patch launch and someone dropped the ball at Blizzard. Now we paid for a service and are not being provided that service promised. Only Blizzard can fix this, and no excuse can give the customers paid game time lost back to them. Like the in game goblins say “Time is money, friend.”


Thanks for your updates and your support. The industry, and pretty much everywhere, is more focused on the bottom line than customer service. And that’s sad. The only redress we have is to “vote with our wallets”. But then when there’s a decline in subs, they’ll blame it on the devs, or the content, or some other such scapegoat rather than taking that hard look in the mirror and seeing the problem for what it is. Or not really caring what the problem is, just dumping and moving on to some other successful IP and destroying that.

But folks like you, who do care, are the real value. So thank you for taking the brunt of not just this, but all these issues that have a root cause way above your paygrade and trying to provide the best service you can. It is appreciated.


Does anyone know if we can loot great vault next week if its still not fixed by next week’s reset?

the vault will be avail to loot, just you will be behind a week because it will count for the next week.

Well said Anoid! I worked for a very successful company’s that averaged a 15% growth rate for over 30 years. The owner sold it, to a company that assured him they wouldn’t ruin what he had built. That owner kept their word, but ran into problems in other companies they owned, so they sold our company to one that didn’t make that promise. The new owners were a company that had a very bad reputation for destroying companies they bought, and that reputation was not a false one. Within 2 years they managed to shrink the business by over 50% by pissing off the major customers, and making bad decisions about offshoring manufacturing…


Thank you Omegal. You posts make sense and have assuaged my curiosity to “what is happening” Thank you for taking your time and energy to post, greatly appreciated.


same here haven’t been able to get into the game since the 10.05 patch, Im on Mac OS Big Sur , had no issues til the patch on the 24th. Reloaded everything and even downloaded all over again , ran the scan and repair no luck no they are telling us we have to wait for a hotfix?? for how long til my time runs out in Feb? Im not adding any more playtime when I cant get in …grrr frustrated and angry that they did this

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did the same here with no luck , your not alone , think its only affecting the Mac users maybe they are trying to fade us out

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I resisted rejoining because of time, money and the years I’ve already spent paying for accounts for me and my 2 daughters. This is really disappointing. There are more than a couple of people on Mac’s. I would really love for this to be fixed ASAP and get some free days for all the days I can’t play.


Im fully updated and still cant get into wow …do I get credit for the time Im out ??


I dont know who this yang person is but its not me and in my account so I think Ive been hacked as well , this should show up in my toons name as magnificent …dont think Im happy with wow any longer