So, anyone watch any good movies lately?
I’m having the same issues- I’ve just NOW been able to login to the forums, its been telling me that I don’t have an active Sub (but I do) and I don’t own the game (which I do…) . I just wanna play lol.
I’m also having trouble getting on my self so you guys are not alone
Usually when something of this magnitude happens, they are getting DDOSed but who knows?
This sucks trying to get in when dang code of WOW51900127 and now WOW51900128. Seems like they keep incrementing their codes to tell us the same thing. We are just SOL’d till they fix their servers.
im having panic attack
same code, NA servers, cant login
I’m also having trouble getting on my self, blah blah blah.
as i said, ive also only heard. but its an option. i just want to ride dragons and pick herbs
My first suspicion was DDOS
Like I said here ^
The “Unable to find a valid license for Diablo IV” is a bit disturbing.
who cares about diablo
retrieving realm list then dc/ tried restarting and did a complete scan and repair. still cant log in
just buy another license.
Heh. WoW worked.
pay to not play is my favourite type of game
Movie? Never heard of her. But I found this one underground song and I am no gatekeeper but everyone should check it out. its called ‘Sandstorm’ by DaRude
Can’t log in to Whitemane, i want a refund or a free wow token in my mail blizzard
and were in