Don’t hold your breath.
We are back all.
I got back on - but I still want free stuff Blizzard
just logged in its up
Well its been fun boys! Till the next crash!! Happy Hunting!
I was playing D4. Got booted. Tried to get into WoW less than 5 mins later, and came across this issue.
I assume they are linked. As D4 was having with authenticity issues earlier as well.
noooo, it’s still not working for me still getting the 51900001 error
we up boys
cant git on wow its still down
mine was end with 001
WoW and Diablo III still down in Quebec
fixed. try logging in now
nop sill can conect
Still not able to log in whats going on here is Blizzard on a dial up service or something?
Dang, are you for real?? This has been happening to you ALL MONTH??? Tonight is the first night I have had an issue. If that is the case, I would suggest contacting them and see if they will comp you a month, that is ridiculous.
i just got in now
oooh yay thanks! Me too <3
I haven’t had the chance to play for months. Just my luck the one night I was going to restart and join a run…
I can get the start page for offline, but no battlenet and no gaming, and it keeps DC’ing when I try to log in.