[Main Thread] Connection and login issues 06/25/23

ditto can’t log into wow keeps disconnecting. Tried scan and repairing wow and nothing. Game seems to be messing up.

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east coast usa. error 51900128. cant log in retail or classic. support page says 'error. something went wrong on our end."



I am not able to login and I am getting the same errors other people have listed here

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I was about to play WOW with my girlfriend when battle.net went down. After that she said there was no way…


^^ Same here, no WoW or Diablo IV access.

Sane here, both me and my partner cant login. :frowning:

They are selling to Microsoft.

Guess it’s time to try Elden Ring again.

me and my 2 partners cant login cmon guyz

You did all that BEFORE checking the forums??? Lesson learned =P

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can only hope … at least mother microsoft cares

I wanna go fishing… and I can’t :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

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I logged off Classic in order to Log into Retail to help a guildy with a work order, and now I can not get into either cries

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it’s the weekend, this is illegal.


i hear you can actually do that, you know outside. in real water

I never bought D4, but i just tried D3 and can play

And look at the time in California… half the staff is probably drunk. Wouldn’t be surprised if this one takes a while.


Same code can’t login

I’ve only heard stories about that…Didn’t realize they were true!

Same, I logged out to change toons and there I was at the “you have been disconnected” screen.