ditto can’t log into wow keeps disconnecting. Tried scan and repairing wow and nothing. Game seems to be messing up.
east coast usa. error 51900128. cant log in retail or classic. support page says 'error. something went wrong on our end."
I am not able to login and I am getting the same errors other people have listed here
I was about to play WOW with my girlfriend when battle.net went down. After that she said there was no way…
^^ Same here, no WoW or Diablo IV access.
Sane here, both me and my partner cant login.
They are selling to Microsoft.
Guess it’s time to try Elden Ring again.
me and my 2 partners cant login cmon guyz
You did all that BEFORE checking the forums??? Lesson learned =P
can only hope … at least mother microsoft cares
I wanna go fishing… and I can’t
I logged off Classic in order to Log into Retail to help a guildy with a work order, and now I can not get into either cries
it’s the weekend, this is illegal.
i hear you can actually do that, you know outside. in real water
I never bought D4, but i just tried D3 and can play
And look at the time in California… half the staff is probably drunk. Wouldn’t be surprised if this one takes a while.
Same code can’t login
I’ve only heard stories about that…Didn’t realize they were true!
Same, I logged out to change toons and there I was at the “you have been disconnected” screen.