[Main Thread] Connection and login issues 06/25/23

yep, oce can’t log in gonna go smhoke some drvgs hope that will fix it xox

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Same. nothing seems to help, VPNs or anything.

Is this only affecting people in the Pacific? I’m in Hawaii, what about everyone else?

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This is crazy man … you think they would have these things fixed

That’s probably a big fat no :frowning:

west coast here


east coast

In South Korea but playing NA - classic and retail both can’t log in - give me freebies Blizzard

Melbourne Australia here cant logg in

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Just waiting until this forum stops updating in seconds then we can get back to this disease we call a “video game”.

It’s not a phase its a lifestyle.

Seems to be very widespread. Can’t log into WoW and get DC’d outright and Bnet seems to struggle to acquire my account info sometimes.

Located in Australia also.

not able to log onto Oceanic servers. not tried others

Australia here

Does Blizz make mistakes?

lmao hell yeah

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Guys guys! I think there might be something wrong with the servers!


Na never…they smart and get everything right

I see that the constant disconnects finally resulted in a big bang…


West Coast is the Best Coast - Cali

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all of thim tho?