yeah same too plz fix
Also having the same issues and it’s not on my end. I did a scan and repair , reset my router multiple times . Reboot my PC. Still the same problem. It probaly won’t get fixed tonight.
Ayo let me in
Unless you give us the “Rick Flair”…
of course they won’t.
We’re all getting discounts, I’m sure.
Any update at all from Blizzard?
haw do we contact blizz
Nothing yet
Someone with twitter msg them on twitter
no is looking at forums
yes I too am getting the error
Just resubed and can’t log back on… hopefully I didn’t just waste my money.
Was unable to log into the forums earlier (when this problem started), now I can. Maybe Blizzard is in the process of fixing their authentication servers.
No blue posts so far
league players ddos
This is an absolute outrage I tells ya… an outrage… when will the horror stop!? This is a nightmare and might go down as the worst outage in WoW history - top 5 for sure…
I’m getting exact three errors, Australia here
Actually its spelled Ric flair just google his wikepedia page, not sure what that has to do with the log in issues though.
Blizz EU posted about it but for D4
Happy Weekend to every continent
Same. But I keep getting error BLZ51900073.
indeed! Off to a great start