[Main Thread] Connection and login issues 06/25/23

Same… cant log in

I do, thanks. Laughter of you guys accepting paying money for garbage service in return is drowning it out a bit though

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Also happening to me. Glad it’s not just a local issue.

Frostmourne can not log in

I don’t even own the game. I’m just here for the comments.

Also having issues, same error message 51900123. D4 also not letting me in, but interestingly I can get on to D3…

Same issue

Same here, Classic Era West Coast PVP Cluster.

I was playing fine for the last two hours, logged a couple minutes ago and can’t log back in.

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123, 127, 128 can’t login Atiesh

yep same here

I logged out for a moment to update my addons and BOOM! Cant login. I keep getting 3 error codes and have ben trying to log back in for the last 45 min … I thought it was my router did a little reset. Nothing works. My guild is still online and playing so I told them not to log off. Here are the 3 error codes:

Same, can get into forums, launcher, etc…but no support or log in. Typical for the current Blizz…pity.

+1, getting code wow51900128, located in oceania

update: similarly unable to log into D4 (unable to find license)

I think it’s time to say goodbye then. Thank you my friend for letting my last few hours mean something :smiley:

Same here as well. Same problem with Diablo 4.

That got dark.

and server status says everything is peachy

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I am so happy its not just me having this issue… had a little panic attack thinking of the worse of all things…

Retail, Classic and Diablo 4 have the login issues from what ive tried

Though i do have a few friends who say they are logged into Frostmourne,Blackrock and a few others. hmm…

There are reported issues with Hearthstone, D2 resurrected, their website etc etc.

Exactly the same with me - are we going to be compensated for the lost time?