[Main Thread] Connection and login issues 06/25/23

Working again !!!


it’s back up


lol i can login with one account but not another. How does that work?

I’m still getting the …001 error, but my husband was able to log in on his computer. Apparently not everyone is gtg.

try to relog btag first, its work on me

sadly that’s the case for me too.

log out of bnet thin log back in

Don’t do that, I just logged off and back in and now I cannot even log in.

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I didn’t say I did that before looking on the forums. Excuse me Mrs/Mr fancypants if you dislike me not providing this information in my post.


it werked for me im in naw

Yep, same issues here.

Still, it feels slightly better to have an issue affect the masses than just yourself.

I was able to enter just now!

PS. mom I’m fishing!!

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able to log-in now. based on Australia.

nope didnt work for me. verification servers are offline. getting timeouts from no verification.

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Same here! Can’t login into Battle.net now!

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did you end all bnet task on you task mager do the and tri it agin

Restarted computer and log-in as usual. nothing unusual.

It’s a blizz server issue and is completely on their side so w.e you do wont really effect it you just have to keep trying and get lucky

no mistakes. only opportunities.

p.s. i made it in just now.