Finally managed to get in after all the errors and it wont let me interact with my guild No my guild didn’t suddenly boot me, I am still a guild member just shows me by myself on the roster…weird. plus, other people can type in guild chat and i can see it, but not me i have been put in the dog box
Did that but still having issues! Glad you made it in though!
Bump. EST no connection.
Error Code BLZ51900001
Been trying to get in for 40 mins here in OZ, no battlenet nor able to get in the old fashioned way. Error BLZ51900073
i can’t login either keeps saying i can’t connect to, its giving me the error code BLZBNTBGS80000011. So annoying.
I tried logging inside the game not from the Battlenet, and it Worked… try it. go to WoW.exe open it and put your thingies… and should be fine worked for me.
Already tried that and nope unfortunately.
I will have to add that step into my next troubleshooting personal guide. I’m re-installing to attempt to fix the issue. I also disabled my Addon Manager and removed Addons → Now re-installing.
Thank the divine for fiber optic interwobs.
Bump still have issue BLZ51900001
still can’t log in so much for paying for a game that constantly has problems v____v
BLZ51900001 Error Persists.
Tried to uninstall Addons and Addon Manager (Curse Forge).
Attempted steps from {*bfls6l*_ga*MTk2OTcwNjE5MS4xNjg3Njc4ODU0*_ga_VYKNV7C0S3*MTY4NzY3ODg1Mi4xLjEuMTY4NzY3OTI2OC41MS4wLjA } for related error.
Attempted to reset password to Blizzard Account.
Attempted to clear old Cache & related.
Attempted Scan and Repair.
Attempted Battlenet Windows App and WOTLK-C client restarts.
Attempted laptop shutdown to restart (i.e., not that lame W10+ soft restart BS).
Attempted complete reinstall of WOTLK-C client.
Blizzard, what is our ETA?
Must be a pretty severe outage.
I am getting “ you need an active subscription to post in this forum” in General Discussion even though I am subbed until September.
Of all the nights to have insomnia.
That’s pretty odd i’ve never had anything like that happen…
Think Blizzard just shut down servers for the night/morning? lol. Diablo IV is also not letting people in.
Same issue. But with the error BLZ51900073.
It’s my guild’s raid time, and I’m the main tank. 20 other people waiting on me to login …
login servers are down currently and have been reportedly so for at least two hours. downdetector shows this very clearly. the blizzard cs post on twitter however, does not mention this is affecting all blizz games and only mentions diablo
having the same issue
let me in randomly from server but wife and other family members (2) still cannnot. Wifes BNet is even connecting properly despite fact we share a study and use same net obviously
BLZ51900001 Error Previously.
Now getting the BLZ51900073 Error after clean re-install of the game.
yeah im still having the same issue. they really need to address this further than they have.