Main Quest bug Creeping Through Corridors

ive tried all the recommended fixes in this forum so far to no avail

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Same here.

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did you try in a group?

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I tried in a group, not working yet

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Help @blizzard !

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I want my earthen!

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I also had the other quest complete for the 6 things if that matters.

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Same issue.

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I’ve tried group hopping, dungeon hopping, reloading, completley closing the game in and away from the location… am angry why wont it trigger


I am stuck at this point in the campaign. Not a great “Feature”. I wish we could continue. In all the years of playing WOW I have never seen so many bugs as I have seen in the last month. I am guessing they do not have enough people to get everything out in time for the release.


Same for me

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Apparently it worked before patch


Hey does someone has found something for this bugged right now? im stuck at the end of the quest with the big guy first ascended’s Prison with the vial…! If someone could help me what to do or else? i reload, i cancel and reboot the game and anything happening? does they fix it or not?

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I am also have the same issue ATM, relogged, reloaded, joined and left groups, flew around a bit, had a tea party in front of the door, dropped a thousand toy box toys at the front door, etc… all while losing my mind. nothing is working :((((

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I want my earthen :frowning:


so if i understand thats not working for anyone at the same thing?


yeah…seems to be hitting everyone atm


Same issue here. Tried all suggestions and still won’t complete.


Same here.

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i dont understand how could blizzard can not fix this stupid quest when everyone saying having the same issue down there ? that suppose to be fix more then nothing? do i am crazy or its not a priority for them?

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