Mailbox Purge - Active Thread

Mailbox Purge Request
Server: Faerlina
Character: Bigdkie

Having issues transferring another character. I disbanded my arena team but the transfer service still thinks I am a captain.

Cyggles - Benediction

Hello I need my mailbox purged.
Server: Benediction
Character: Loreday

Unfortunately, we’re unable to disband a team.

Try logging in and using

/teamdisband 2v2 (3v3, 5v5)
/teamquit 2v2 (3v3, 5v5)

All else should be cleared.


I did both of those things. I guess I will open a ticket.

Mattiello on Faerlina requesting full mailbox purge

You should be good.

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(post deleted by author)

Can you help me out? I’m having the same issue; mail needs to be cleared.

First of all, you are the best! Thank you so much.
My friend have the same problem.

Server: Gehennas (EU)
Character: Donwambdi

Mailbox Purge Request
Server: Sulfuras
Character: Holybeamz

Hello, Please purge the mailbox of Negs on Faerlina in Wrath of the Lich King Classic.

Mailbox Purge Request
Server: Faerlina-US
Character: Negs

Mailbox Purge Request
Server: Gehennas (EU)
Character: Gelwen

Sorry to keep posting, this will be my last. I tried the commands you suggested to no avail. Is opening a ticket my only option or can it be elevated here? Ticket response time is currently 16 days…

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I’m not seeing a character of that name on Gehennas. Is that spelled right? Keep in mind, they should have a ticket open with that request. I can’t just delete mail from a character not on the requesting account without indication that this is what they want.

I’m not seeing any such character on this account.

Current response time for the oldest tickets in queue is 16 days. That is actually not reflective of the majority of the queue, only a very special category. The average standard right now is 6-8 days.

No, I can’t escalate tickets or otherwise push them to get responded to faster, sorry.,

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Sorry i miss spelled it.


Mailbox Purge Request
Server: Benediction
Character: Lonefist

Alright, should be clear to here.

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Mailbox Purge Request Pls Pls
Server: Gehennas
Character: Acimassiz 78 Paladin

Good to go.

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