Maiev Shadowsong in Warfront Battle for Darkshore unkillable

Maiev Shadowsong becomes unkillable in Heroic Warfront Battle for Darkshore. Once mass vengeance is cast then Maiev evades and resets. We tried a handful of times and it kept happening. Unfortunate since we wanted to finish our quests and get our service medals.


Bumping this. Happened to me in both normal and heroic. Only way to overcome it is out DPSing the boss. Extremely frustrating, especially since we can only do darkshore every other week. I cannot imagine it could be that hard to fix.


Add to the fact that you can’t start Heroic warfronts unless you have 10 people in a raid (which seems super-unnecessary now and really annoying) this is just a bad bug to encounter. It would be great if we could queue with smaller groups in heroic so that we can get groups made easier.


Removing the player requirement would be great. Three current geared toons can easily complete it.


still evade bugging

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 any info on this from staff?

bugging out right now.

Bugged out 2 days, at the same point, she basically just stops and despawns

Seemed like DC issues, but we didn’t think anything of it,
till we got to Maiev

Didn’t notice till the third time of her despawning & respawning at about 80% health,
but Sira is buggy too 
 just stands there. Managed to eek out a little saas one time, but still bugged out and just stood there.

Did / reset a couple times,
Ran the length of the beach & the inland area of the map killing all mobs,
gathering just about all resources possible,
Completing all research possible,
attacking here with a group, then solo after they left party.

Didn’t notice the spell ‘Mass Vengance’ might be the issue too!
Good eye Teslas-illidan :slight_smile:

Also, yes even with group finder many cancel out at the last second ( after waiting 10m )
or just don’t wait 15m for a good party to get together (on herioc )

Once waited an hour just to get in, then one person DC-ed and the rest of the party left one by one 'cuz we couldn’t find just one more tank lol

Gotta be a better way to get service medals !

Just tried it again 
 same issue

Funny thing is the submit ticket button is greyed out .

Very shady. not a great way to take care of your customers @blizzard
And don’t blame it all on the developers either, Y’all fired most the good ones for wanting better pay.

They’re worth it, stop being cheap. Stop burning your best people out.

If they’re not with wiggle room in the budget, then millions of subscribers aren’t worth continuing to pay the fee for an old game with old issues.


still bugged

Hey no surprise Bliz but yeah STILL BUGGED can we at least get some feedback
no wonder the community is so outraged. Like at least acknowledge the bug report through the systems YOU HAVE IN PLACE!!! Takes so long to get to this point in Darkshore then this nonsense.


Ticket response:

4 hours ago
Hello Adventurer!

With our ticket queues being extremely busy, and in the interest of saving you some time, we are sending you this automated reply with some resources that should help you with your quest issue.

Please try out the following steps:

Re-logging or zoning to different areas can sometimes resolve phasing issues.
Abandon and re-take the quest, where that makes sense (abandoning a quest will cause all current progress to be lost).
Check our support articles for any specific mentions of your issue:
Check the comment sections of various fansites for the quest that you are having trouble with:
wowhead or classic.wowhead
icy-veins/wow/ or www.icy-veins/wow-classic/

Use a quest tracker tool:
Completion Tracker
Reset your User Interface and try again without any addons:
If you believe that you’ve encountered a bug, please report it as such:
Wrath Classic

Thank you for your time!"

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Power cycle your router and try again.

Bumping this is absurd. Blizz needs to fix this or not allow people to enter this instance so new players do not waist their time.


should I try alt+F4 too?
Or would you like to suggest power cycling every device currently connected to the computer before validating this is an issue worth talking about?

To your query, yes computer+peripherals have been power cycled,
including ISP equipment.


Only if you don’t find Blizz’s auto-response helpful. You may want to call them and wait on hold for 12 hours.


There’s a help-ceiling to its usefulness, and I did dry all the resources it recommends.
It’s a good reference for troubleshooting,
however, being told to try those resources again in lieu of a customer service rep is infuriating.


Update on Ticket:

Good evening Allen,

I’m Game Master Ixaquin and I appreciate your patience and understanding at this time though while we try to reach all of our players needing assistance!

Thanks a lot for taking the time to report this to us. I’m sorry to hear if you’ve had trouble with this, we’re players here too and know how annoying bugs can be at times so it’s much appreciated when it’s reported to us!

I took a look at this for you and it does not appear to be anything that our development team is aware of at the moment. I have added a report to our testers based on your ticket, so it should hopefully be looked at soon. :slight_smile:

We are currently getting more reports and trying to gather more information from these, so hopefully the issue can be identified soon and fixed, as you say it’s also got some forum reports now too, and still matters to many people who are looking to get through the BFA content and Transmog collections.

Don’t forget we have simplified the way you can report any kind of bug from within the game by the way. All you have to do is simply to click the red question mark button as when you wish to create a ticket, but instead then click the option to “Submit Feedback”, as that will take you to an interface where you can report exactly what is bugged for you and it will be sent directly to our testers instead of having to go through us, ensuring a faster process. ^^

It’s basically exactly the same as you’ve just done here, it’s just faster. If the bug is already known, it will add your report to the investigation as well and if we are not aware of it yet, your report will start a new investigation, automatically. :slight_smile:

Thanks again and have fun!

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Well, still broke. GG Blizz. It must suck to work at a place where no one does their job.