Maiev Shadowsong in Warfront Battle for Darkshore unkillable

Still bugged as of October 11, 2022.


Quiet quitting is a thing at Blizz. If you want to finish the Darkshore warfront, you’ll have to wait for BfA Classic.

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Still broke…


Bumping this to say it happened to me too. Really just want a shot at a cool belt, but after a joyless hour-long slog with four utterly silent people in a place we need to wait so long to even get in, we simply can’t finish because Maiev bugs before she even gets to half health. Just because it’s not current doesn’t mean you can just ignore it when it’s literally not possible to complete; your game should be playable.


Bugged 1 day ago

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Cool game, blizz. What a waste of an hour. Still bugged.

Still Bugged, waste of time.

Can confirm. Still bugged.

Post as an Evoker or say bug is Evoker related and maybe they’ll at least look at it.

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Adding to confirm its still bugged. Uncompletable content. Avoid.

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Just throwing my two cents in. Ran it twice today, still not working.

I don’t know why I feel compelled to “try one more time in case it’ll work this time” but here we go.

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Can comfirm it is still bugged…wow blizz you are doing a real bang up job…i guess because it’s old content it doesn’t matter anymore? Way to take care of your players!


Still bugged.

We really shouldn’t need a group of 70’s to nuke the boss just bc blizz refuses to do their jobs…