For horde during the end boss sequence of Battle For Darkshore Normal, Maiev Shadowsong resets once she casts her Vengeance for Teldrassil spell.
Can confirm, this has happened 4 different instances, 3x in Normal, 1x in Heroic.
Made sure in Heroic not to push final node or kill Ancient Protectors before Blightthrowers were finished, and still had the same issue.
Sira Moonwarden doesn’t move and participate in the fight.
If you burn Maiev too fast, she starts evading after casting Mass Vengeance and despawns/resets.
If you burn Maiev too slow, Sira Moonwarden depawns, which causes Maiev to despawn shortly after.
Tanking position for Maiev doesn’t seem to matter, having same issues no matter where she’s tanked in the room.
I am having the same issue. This needs to be fixed
Can confirm this, she immunes then despawns at 28% no matter what. Never going to get an Azerite helm with longstrider.
also having this issue and everyone i’ve played with recently has also ran into this issue
encountered same issue. Please fix
Can confirm this bug. Reported on another post previously as well.
Bug still here. 40mim wasted =/
Same, super lame.
I confirm error, no matter how much dps you have they will not be able to kill her
Still bugged
Still bugged as of today on normal. A complete waste of time.
Still bugged. Can we get a hotfix on this asap so people that wait 20 mins for a 10 man group then 30+ in the scenario aren’t wasting time?
bugged. it despawns slows or faster
Still bugged. Can some of the older content bugs get a little attention?
How do we get this to the devs? Players have to wait a long time, what like 2-3 weeks per cycle? Just to be able to get a shot at this and it’s currently broken, this needs to be remedied so people don’t waste an entire hour just to find out the end boss isn’t killable.
Unfortunately there are a few threads on this already, one spanning more than the past 20 days… I don’t think they are really reading the bug reports on this forum.
This is still happening. I put in a bug report and ticket. Soo much wasted time for no reward
Still bugged.
Blizzard you absolute freaking clowns…