As title says, she resets after 1 minute into fighting her. There was a group of 5 of us doing it and she just keeps bugging out after 1 min.
Bumping this, happened to me last night. 9 people in group
I just tried doing another warfront. Same thing happened again. We ended up being able to kill her by using full raid consumables and burning her before she casts that vengeance spell which makes her immune. I pulled over 40k dps to get this done. The 3 others did around 12k each.
Bumping, this has happened the last 3 times I’ve done Darkshore except that none of my groups have managed to burn her down quick enough to bypass it. Hours in queue and in the warfront itself wasted. Ill never finish this mog at this rate
Any blue update? Tried it multiple times. HELP
Bumping this. Happened to me in both normal and heroic. Only way to overcome it is out DPSing the boss. Extremely frustrating, especially since we can only do darkshore every other week. I cannot imagine it could be that hard to fix.
This happens when she casts mass vengeance. She will evade and reset once that happens.
Need to get group dps of around 60-70k to kill her fast enough. 2 geared LVL 60s will do it, but a lot of people are doing this on alts that just don’t have that kind of output.
Are you talking about heroic or normal? I was in heroic and there is like 2.x million hp, and the burst just wasn’t there to get her down once mass vengeance started.
Sorry I should have specified. It was Normal.
Yeah heroic looked like it’s maybe undoable unless you have a full group of pumpers
Still an issue.
Makes transmog farming during the limited-availability Warfront window very frustrating.
Also seeing lots of newer/lower level players getting frustrated after wasting 60+ minutes in an instance that cannot be completed.
For those of you who are close to meeting the DPS check, you can get a 40% damage buff from the Altar of Storms, and the Lancers/Deadshot npc companions do decent damage - but these “fixes” are pretty insufficient given that this is 2+ year old content that now can’t be completed without multiple 60s in current-patch raid gear…
“The team recognizes that at least communicating that they are listening even if they have nothing to update is something that they can do better.” From Ion’s last interview.
Bumping. This is infuriating, all I want to do before DF is collect transmog. I cannot imagine this bug would be too difficult to fix.
bumping, just resubbed to the game, played darkshore normal and get this bug smh great start back
Bump. I reported this bug when it happened to me last week on normal. Tried again today and still same issue. Hopefully the weekly reset will fix.
20 days later and Blizzard still hasn’t fixed this. WTF.
This is still an issue. Blizzard, why are we paying you $15/month to get ignored by support?
Bumping, this is ridiculous and needs to be fixed. Besides existing players waisting 40 mins, imagine what a negative experience this is for new player that just leveled through BFA.
Everyone submit an in game ticket on this. I did last night, I recommend you all do as well since apparently the blues arent very active on here.
Still bugged