Maiev resets after 1 min in the darkshore wafront

bump, still bugged

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GG Blizz. Run out the clock on this and won’t have to hear about it for another 3 weeks or so.


Have you gotten a response back from your ticket?

Nope. The ticket mysteriously disappeared somehow. I KNOW that I submitted it.

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And…still broke.

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Still broken. However it works perfectly fine for Alliance… because screw you if you play a Horde toon apparently

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I also just experienced this on an alt on normal. Tried multiple times, but since there were only five of us and only one of the players was 60, the most we got her down was about half health. This is very frustrating and I made sure to submit a bug report in-game to help try to bring more light to the issue.

I managed to queue up to a heroic one with 8 other max geared players. We destroyed her in about 6 seconds…

But it is very unreasonable to expect everyone doing this to be playing with 4-5 geared players to over come a bug.

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Still not fixed. Blizzard really cannot fix anything can they?

Adding my voice. Still bugged.

Still bugged.

Still bugged.

Still bugged.

I’m catching up on like 3 expansions right now and so much of it is broken. I keep forgetting I need to research any new feature I come across to see if it’s broken/removed/disabled, or risk losing hours of time just ending in frustrations.

I had to put in a different ticket on day 1 of my resub and it took 2 months to get a “I’m not gonna do anything to fix that” response. Tickets are meaningless. Threads are meaningless. Only the currentest content is not meaningless, because they’ve slashed their support and dev teams to the point they can’t maintain anything else. Garbage company. I’m embarrassed to have paid them money to resub for 3 months. Never again.

It is still a problem in pre-patch shadowlands. Very frustrating. This doesn’t feel like they are making any effort to fix the issue.

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Still bugged. Hours and hours of wasted time. Blizzard please put at least some care into your game

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Still bugged.

This is ridiculous. The time spent only to find out that you can’t fight the boss is infuriating. I just want my transmogs!

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Still bugged…

How is it possible that they don’t see how many people are upset by this, or do they just not care?