Maiev NE racial leader


Maiev is insane, vengeance-driven, and blind to real threats. She lets her loyal allies die because she is so thirsty for blood. (See: Illidan, the novel)

Maiev would make a terrible leader. Downright horrible.

Kill Malfurion. He’s a boring Mary Sue. Tyrande is Elune’s Chosen. She should have never given him any power.

Also she enslaved water elementals in the waters near dustwhallow marsh and tried to destroy Orgm, and all its citizen, mass attempted murder and enslavement are crimes.

Because this is the guy whom supposedly went toe to toe with Azshara. Sylvanas and a bunch of grunts should be nothing to vapourise. Tyrande, full of night warrior ‘fury’ was held off by Nathanos and some valkyr whom succeeded at their goals. That isn’t strength, that is weakness, no amount of ‘but the devs say they are god tier’ makes weak tier, god tier. Gods don’t struggle against a scrub like Nathanos and his scourge lackeys.

Why not? Because it’s inconvenient. You yourself said, and I agree, if the devs wanted something to happen, it’d happen.

oh please, 0 damage in game, stormwind still stands, Jaina put out the fires by herself.

So what? He went toe to toe with Azshara, yes, and even he failed. If we will cosnider him ineffective for this, then we might as well consider every faction leader ineffective. Because no faction leader would’ve done what he did.

This is basically sending Mayweather to the lions den, seeing him getting eaten and saying “Hey, this guy sucks, he was killed. But look at this unprofessional other boxer, he was not killed fighting kittens.” when the other guy was never in such a situation.

Anduin, Varian, anyone would’ve died worse in Malfurion’s situation. This is not something of effectiveness or not, he had everything to lose.

And let me tell you, Maiev or Shandris would\ve been steamrolled by Saurfang alone quite possibly. And with that, we could say they’d be worse than Malfurion.

Therefore killing Malfurion and Tyrande, who are proven stronger than many others and still are bullied is “suicide”, because Maiev would just be worse.

It doesn’t matter if the fire was put out. Stormwind was infiltrated and burnt by like 5 people. It was done, everyone entered the city like entering their own house.

And even if you dismiss this, you can’t compare Stormwind with Darnassus, because Stormwind is far away from Orgrimmar. Darnassus is not.

And Malfurion, with like the 20% of a single not main city, was this close at beating the entirety of the Horde lead by their own very Mary Sue leader.

If this is ineffective, then let’s delete the Alliance. Or ask for a Titan to lead the Night Elves. Because nothing shorter would be effective.