Magister Umbric has been invaluable to the alliance

By that logic Void Elves are a Horde race indeed.

High Elves aren’t a Horde race. That’s why Blood Elves aren’t getting blue eyes as an option.


He’s not that smart any more, remember?

90 percent of the living High Elf population goes by the name Blood Elves, so yes, they are.

My latest theory of the Void Elves is that there really is only one of them… they’re all copies of Umbric.

thats wrong, the high elves and blood elves are different, culturally, political, but both belong to the thalassian elf race, like voidelves


(Correction): 90% of the population of Quel’Thalas goes by the name of Blood Elves. The other 10% left and got wiped out at Quel’Lithien Lodge. There are no numbers for High Elves outside of Quel’Thalas during the Third War. For all we know the High Elves could be equal in number to the Blood Elves at this point.

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Indeed, thank you for pointing out that Blood Elves are no longer High Elves.


I mean, you can’t argue that Talajani didn’t get a lot to do.

And Kiro! He’s uh…he does stuff.

We’ve been told this is not the case outright, and outside of Dalaran, as far as I’m aware there are no settlements where high elves are a majority race (I could be wrong on this one), while there are numerous blood elf settlements.

She’s literally Jaina but a troll.

No one (at home) will listen to her and they’re all wrong while she is right? Check.
Daddy won’t listen to her? Check.
Wants to save her people? Check.
Super powerful icon of her people? Check.
Tormented by the dead? Check.
Enemy invades and decimates her home/kills her civilians? Check.
Daddy dies and she takes over? Check.


Just remove the T and L (coincidentally, the first and last letters in Troll.)


Faction balance!



(Query): Source?

(Clarification): Quel’Lithien prior to it’s fall. Quel’Danil in the Hinterlands. Theramore also had a sizable High Elf population, with many scouts found in the marshes, which Horde players had quests to kill, I believe. There is also the Allerian Stronghold in Outland which seems to be where the bulk of Alleria’s soldiers were based.

(Query): What settlements?

(Commentary): I’m trying to think of Blood Elf settlements outside of Quel’Thalas and am coming up dry, unless we’re counting Falcon’s Watch in Outland.


I’ve always seen Alleria as the leader because she brought them into the Alliance and literally ate a dark naaru, so I’ve personally considered her their leader. I know she has a shadow form too, so I’ve never been quite sure how to place her.

I mean, I’d really like it if he didn’t go insane. I was referring that comment moreso around the discussion of how far Umbric would go to achieve his goals of reunited Silvermoon with the Alliance and how we as players would react to that. I think that if he went to any sort of extremes, he’d be killed. I do not think Blizzard will pursue that story arc though, and Umbric will get shelved and largely forgotten.

Quite right! In BFA he does use dark tactics but the nature of those is never really highlighted to the player. Again, I intended that comment moreso towards the discussion of his future actions to try and bring Silvermoon into the Alliance. Personally, I like the actions the Void Elves have taken in the Fourth War. I think it adds an interesting layer to the Alliance offensive. I think Blizzard wants a very “clean” Alliance though and will hesitate to go further with these kinds of things. If I am wrong, I will be immensely pleased.

alleria is indeed the v11 leader but not the only leader char of the voidelves, umbric is too

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One of these days Blizzard just needs to update the stupid racial pages for the allied races and just give a difinitive leader list!

I don’t think that’s a criteria enough to be a leader. She seems more like the recruiter just like Turalyon recruits Lightforged. But unlike Turalyon, she said she would teach the void elves how to control themselves. Once she’s done, she isn’t going to be actively managing them whereas Umbric will always be there.
I think the major criteria for being a racial leader is that you have to be that race, with the exception of Moira because she was wedded to the racial leader, and acquired leadership.

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And the Blood Elves represent 90 percent of the post-Arthas survivors.

(Clarification): Of Quel’Thalas, yes, we’re in agreement.

Do you think there were many High Elves that weren’t part of Quel’thalas during the Third War?

Just feel like these numbers are being presented weirdly.

During the Third War, however, the high elves were nearly scoured from Azeroth. Led by the death knight Arthas, a Scourge army stormed into Quel’Thalas, slaughtering almost ninety percent of the kingdom’s population. Arthas then used the mystical Sunwell to resurrect the fallen necromancer Kel’Thuzad, irrevocably tainting the fount in the process.

(Commentary): I believe there were High Elves whom were not part of Quel’Thalas or in Quel’Thalas during the Third War, yes. A sizable enough portion to constitute part of Jaina’s Expedition to Kalimdor, cover the High Elven population of Dalaran, the lodges outside of Quel’Thalas such as the one in the Hinterlands, and also the Allerian Stronghold out in Outlands. To put it simply, I imagine there is a rather significant amount of High Elves who were not part of the 90% wiped out by Arthas in Quel’Thalas. Certainly enough to be found scattered around all these different settlements in significant enough numbers to warrant mentioning at all.