Magister Umbric has been invaluable to the alliance

yeah i view them as like satirical caricatures of the way the factions see eachother.

that being said shadoweaver zarra is one of my spirit animals

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This is so weird. She is listed on WoWpedia as a void elf and co-leader of the velfs. Again, I think she is a velf just visually distinct because she didn’t undergo the same procedure and having TWO blue Windrunner sisters wouldn’t work.

Oh please, you should know me by know Car. I might have no love for the Horde, that doesnt mean I wont check out their lore either. Those same void elves seem fairly reasonable to the Alliance and only seem to go crazy when they fight the Horde.

And as others have said, the canonicity of the island expeditions are dubious at best.

Except she isn’t infused with void like void elves are. She’s shown to be able to manipulate the power into becoming a full void entity.

The void elves were the elves caught halfway in the middle of a ritual to turn them into void entities. They are stuck in the middle now, and cannot manipulate that form. Alleria is more like worgen, who can manipulate it and revert back to the regular race. There’s either 0 or 1, not halfway, which the void elves are at.

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That’s because High Elves have what I would call the highest adventurer to civillian ratio of all races. Pretty much all the ones that are left are adventurer types. The others either became Blood Elves…or died.

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No, they are listening to the players. Players like me who, for years, have played a Blood Elf and don’t appreciate the constant demands from a small, vociferous, group that our playable race be given to the other faction.

Not giving every single person what they demand does not equal “a failure to listen.”


I stopped carin’ 'bout the High Elf thing since Blizzard has shown that they’ll retcon the story to whatever to do whatever the design team wants, but I’ve yet to see anyone explain to me what differentiates the High Elves from the Blood Elves in terms of themes and identity outside of “they like Alliance and wear blue.”

Arcane? Blood Elves have Magisters.

Wilderness hunters? Blood Elves have Farstriders.

Paladins and the Light? Liadrin and the Blood Knights.

And what would they bring to the Alliance that would actually be new?

Alliance has Arcane power in spades at this point since Blizzard seems to refuse to acknowledge that Silvermoon and Suramar are a thing.

The Light is like 90% of the Alliance’s theme already with Humans, Dwarves, and Draenei Paladins and Priests.

The Night Elves and Worgen cover the wilderness hunters vibe.

Personally, I’d much rather they finally bring in half-breeds and make Half-Elves a new race for the Alliance. They retcon things left and right anyway, might as well just say that there were always a bunch of half-elves runnin’ around Dalaran and we just didn’t notice 'em.

That could be the in for Dalaran to be reunited with the rest of the Alliance. Make the Half-Elves a continuation of the High Elves’ story - do they seek to reclaim their elven parents homeland from the filthy Horde? Or do they forge their own path with their human parent’s wanderlust?

I don’t want to derail the thread any further, so I’ll end with just sayin’ -
Half-Elves for the Alliance.
Mok’nathal for the Horde.

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I figure they’re all excuses because Blizzard just plain doesn’t like vanilla alliance high elves as a playable race idea, but it makes more business sense not to actively antagonize the players asking by saying “we don’t care about high elves and have no interest in adding them” and potentially have people deactivate their accounts over feeling blatantly rejected.

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They really do need to explore that don’t they? It’s still not even clear whether he merely animated it or reanimated it. The way the Void elf mages were struggling either The Void and their shadow magic was fighting the reanimation or they were animating the dead skeleton and it took a lot of power and concentration to keep it up and moving.

Players like you that have advocated for years for Blizzard not to give Blood Elves to the Alliance. Blizzard didn’t listen to you, either, and had Umbric and his group literally be Blood Elves that rejoin the Alliance.


Oh, are you talking about the purple guys who are enslaved by the Void? That’s fine. Alliance can have them. It gets a bit close for comfort but Blood Elves/High Elves are the same thing. That’s not me saying that, that’s Blizzard themselves saying it: “Blood Elves are High Elves.”

The constant demands to have a playable Horde race given to the Alliance are incredibly obnoxious. You don’t see endless whining for humans to be made playable for the Horde. I would love to have Dark Irons on the Horde. But they are an Alliance race. If I want one, I need to roll it on Alliance (so I did).


Were you one of the players yelling for years about silhouettes?

Ion’s quote is famous. But he also says that blue eyes don’t make sense for Blood Elves. So even Word of God is not that definitive.


That’s why I quit caring 'bout the High Elf arguments. Blizzard do whatever they think is “cool” and the story team just has to make the story work, regardless of how many retcons they have to do.

That’s why I’m gonna just let the High Elf people do their thing, and I’ll just be over here crossin’ my fingers for Half-Elves and Mok’nathal… and Vrykul… and Man’ari

the whole point of the race btw is that they aren’t enslaved by the void lol. alleria literally saves them from that in the unlock quest, and she as a leader teaches them to master the void rather than be enslaved by it.

" you are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts"


And Half-Orcs for the Horde? I’d prefer myself that both be done as neutral races that choose a side the way the Pandarens do and that both have the common language of each faction plus Thalassian.

I did say Mok’nathal for the Horde at the end of my post, yes.

I kind of like the idea of Half-races being outcasts that could go either way, but have to do extra to prove themselves. Kind of like a twice the work for half the reward vibe.

This would make both races an overall disadvantage to play, and that is my i intention.

(Query): Why?

(Observation): There doesn’t seem to be much reason for Half-Orcs to want to join the Alliance. Unless the other half isn’t Ogres. Do you mean Half-Orc Half-Human? I don’t think there is any canonical example of one that isn’t Med’an who is Quarter-Orc, Quarter-Draenei, Half-Human. As for Half-Elves, I don’t see why they’d want to join the Horde. What little lore we have states humans were always the more accepting half of their parentage, while elves typically view Half-Elves as a dilution of their pure and pristine bloodlines.

(Commentary): I’m not saying it’s impossible, mind you, but I’d like to explore the rationale behind making those two neutral over races that, honestly, make a bit more sense going neutral.

Eh, would be hard to justify from a story standpoint when the Half-Elves have both Alleria and Vereesa as ins to the Alliance and Rexxar’s Mok’nathal clan has been relatively friendly with the Horde since TBC. There’s also that one female Mok’nathal down in Feralas… what was her name… gives the Horde their quests for Dire Maul…

Well the neutral choice means that they get penned to their starting area and they don’t progress any further. Making them overalll disadvantegous to play will keep their numbers down.