Why do people keep asking for a magic melee class like we don’t have any?
Enhancement Shaman
All Death Knights
All Demon Hunters
Sub Rogue
Survival Hunter
All Paladins
All Monks
All of these are Melee magic classes, so why is it that in every thread about a possible new class/spec I see someone input “tHeRe ShOUld bE a sPeLlbLAde oR sOMe MeLEe sPelLCasTeR cLAsS”?
Spellblades are different than those.
All of those are Martials first Casters second.
A Spellblade would be Caster First, Martial difference.
Its the difference between Blade Lock vs Eldritch Knight in 5e DnD. People want a caster that uses magic to make them good in Martial combat. Not a martial combatant using artifacts and magic to make their already good martial combat better.
I see way more requests for some sort of new ranged class really. All we seen are new melee
Im one of those people. Give me Lord Godfrey Class/spec .exe
We need a mobility based leather melee class. Huge void there in game atm.
Because what people are asking for is a specific class fantasy that doesn’t exist in WoW, not a technicality which you’ve pointed out does exist.
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Sub and survival are pretty big stretches for magic melee classes
I’d add Feral and Guardian druid to your list, and kittyweaving Resto
There’s already to many melee specs, if they were to add more it would become increasingly hard to balance content between ranged/melee.
Any whatever-blade class is so cringy and dorky, I think…
OMG sWoRdZ!1 z let s make a class… and has this B BIG BIG thword! And ZorDs! Blademastr! RazorDragon… sharpyMage blade! SWORDS!! I NeeeD LOOONG Sharp objet… pointY slashy dlashy that goes sword SWORD ZOOOORDSD
Let’s call the class darkblade masterSwordian… and it can ONLY Z USE swords… cause OMG phallic symbols
Ok, am back.
What’s the topic?
Yes, but have you seen the Greatsword of the Inferno from WoD Challenge modes?
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Eldritch Knight or Magus like class? Im all for it. Arcane hybrid with melee skills and armory.
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I like using it on my goblin. Its triple his size!
My goblin also drives a huge SUV.
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I’ll give swords a pass if it’s something ridiculous like that. A three handed sword… or maybe triple, tetra-wielding sword by some sort of juggling clown
If survival is magic, so are the other rogues
I agree with this statement!
I’d argue that Unholy kind of fills that, however I understand that that isn’t really what you’re going for.
I mean, naturally the SUV is to haul around the big claymore, right?
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